Sim 4 (S25)

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Well-known member
1. To curtail tanking, I'd at least change the lottery system a little. You could either do the current nba lottery system, that adjusts it to 4 teams being selected to the top4 picks, and evens out the odds more. Or, we could even out the odds even more from 1-14, and select 5 or 6 teams to the top picks. This way, even if you're the worst team, you aren't even guaranteed a top5 pick. Also, the teams actually trying, and usually would be stuck in no mans land, have a real shot at a top pick.

2. Some sort of more open number ratings. I've had open files in the past, and loved it. The problem popped up a few times of certain people very clearly running sims on their own, and getting a huge advantage. Is there an easy way of sending each teams file to them at the beginning of the year? Would a protected file stop people from being able to export the numbers?

3. Keep position changes/variations the same, except SG's are not allowed to play PG.

4. I wasn't a fan of cut backs at first, but I now see how they keep trade activity high, and more importantly create parity. Even if you build a team set up for a huge 4 year run, some teams can go all in on a single year and do a cutback to get big advantage. Now all of a sudden you have more top teams competing for a title, and less people feeling stuck, and not able to compete with these mega teams.


Well-known member
1- lux tax system like discussed in the chat. I really like the idea. Had it in 2 prior leagues worked great
2- I also agree with keep positions the same. But donk would have to make SGs have actual handles if they aren’t allowed to move to PG.
3- I’m all in favor of natural progression with no camps. Less work for donk.
4- public file. On an excel sheet maybe. Not for the draft tho. You can get the drafted guys info after the draft. Maybe donk starts some guys with a little higher pot since there is no camps but I like this idea a lot too


Well-known member
Got some similar ideas to what Brooks threw out:

1) Limit Position Changes heavily, each player only gets 1 position change for their entire career. Draft a SG and want to develop him at PG? You can but you have to stick with it.

2a) I wouldn't make every attribute available to the league via excel, but I do think there should be some transparency each year. After TC each year release an excel file with every players Potential, Handles, and 1-2 rotating attribute reveals each year.

2b) Pros to this would include: eliminate pot scouts for commissioners, and some attribute scouting as well. Don't have to worry about someone like daulten lying about a players potential. Also handles is such an important attribute, the transparency there would be huge in assessing players values.

3) Pre Season DC - Sim 1 DC rewards. 75% of Gm's run fuck around DC's in pre, or play players in ways they never would in the regular season. Pre season is still valuable for those that utilize it wisely. I would offer a GM cash incentive for those that run "SAME" DC from pre to sim1, and a slightly lower GM cash incentive for those that make minimal changes from pre to sim 1 (like 3 bold changes or less). Would hopefully decrease the amount of work the commissioners need to do for Sim 1.

4) having to IR DLG players is dumb. This rule forces the commish's to sign random players sometimes when GM's fail to sign the right number of players for the roster. Keep the DLG boosts, maybe title it "2 Way Player" instead and let those rookies / sophomores play so commissioners don't even have to think about this for each DC they enter.
People are probably just interested with potential, handles, and quickness.


Well-known member
1. To curtail tanking, I'd at least change the lottery system a little. You could either do the current nba lottery system, that adjusts it to 4 teams being selected to the top4 picks, and evens out the odds more. Or, we could even out the odds even more from 1-14, and select 5 or 6 teams to the top picks. This way, even if you're the worst team, you aren't even guaranteed a top5 pick. Also, the teams actually trying, and usually would be stuck in no mans land, have a real shot at a top pick.
We should follow real life and change the lottery as the NBA did in the same year.
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