Sim 4 (S25)

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Give me your solution to make the league run smoother? What would improve the experience? 3M


gunna give some wild ones here.

1. Remove the ability to trade for your futures back once you ship them out. This would fix the broken-ass market of dramatically overpaying assets to a team that’s stockpiled a specific teams futures. Think this would also shift the market to focusing on specs rather than picks. The whole game of trading players for the biggest amount of futures… sucks.

2a. Simply eliminate ALL position changes and single attribute scouts. All players can play +/- 1 slots away from where they came in. Also, rather than let people scout individual attributes, just create scouting packages. e.g. “scoring package” gets you inside scoring, jumpshot, and three point for 5 mil. It’s too cheap to know the exact attributes for each player.

2b. Alternatively, just make all attributes public ally known in a google sheet. The lack of balance between commish/GM is massive, and has clearly been an issue this iteration. Would remove a lot of contention and keep things more balanced.

3. Kill height/weight boosts. They just don’t make sense and are extra pointless work.

4. trade committee to review trades. I dont really care too much about this one, but so many people rely on ripping off other GMs in order to be successful lol.


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This might be unrealistic with people's schedules, but have like 3 or 4 dedicated commishes who each do one specific thing. Like Commish 1 always does pre and sim 1, commish 2 always does sim 2-6, Commish 3 only does the draft and all player scouts, and commish 4 only does camps. That way it could be more consistent and streamlined.

This second one might not be popular but get rid of coaches and just have more standard camping options. I also have always been a fan of mentor camps where you get a veteran player on your team that allows you to camp a certain attribute for a rookie or sophomore player. Makes old timers more valuable


Well-known member
Got some similar ideas to what Brooks threw out:

1) Limit Position Changes heavily, each player only gets 1 position change for their entire career. Draft a SG and want to develop him at PG? You can but you have to stick with it.

2a) I wouldn't make every attribute available to the league via excel, but I do think there should be some transparency each year. After TC each year release an excel file with every players Potential, Handles, and 1-2 rotating attribute reveals each year.

2b) Pros to this would include: eliminate pot scouts for commissioners, and some attribute scouting as well. Don't have to worry about someone like daulten lying about a players potential. Also handles is such an important attribute, the transparency there would be huge in assessing players values.

3) Pre Season DC - Sim 1 DC rewards. 75% of Gm's run fuck around DC's in pre, or play players in ways they never would in the regular season. Pre season is still valuable for those that utilize it wisely. I would offer a GM cash incentive for those that run "SAME" DC from pre to sim1, and a slightly lower GM cash incentive for those that make minimal changes from pre to sim 1 (like 3 bold changes or less). Would hopefully decrease the amount of work the commissioners need to do for Sim 1.

4) having to IR DLG players is dumb. This rule forces the commish's to sign random players sometimes when GM's fail to sign the right number of players for the roster. Keep the DLG boosts, maybe title it "2 Way Player" instead and let those rookies / sophomores play so commissioners don't even have to think about this for each DC they enter.


Staff member
  1. Eliminate Cutbacks, easily the most unrealistic part of the league, and annoying to input. I think it would actually create more FA movement because you need to be more careful with your cap space, you can't just cutback Chris Paul's huge deal to free up $40M for example.
  2. Designate all point guard eligible players ahead of the draft. That would stop all shooting guard from being moved to point guard. Less position changes as a result.
  3. Stick to a strict every other day schedule. The more frequent sims result in commish burnout.
  4. Have pre-season injuries carry over into the regular season. It would be pure comedy to see Kemba have severe depression in the preseason and miss most of the regular season.


Well-known member
  1. Eliminate Cutbacks, easily the most unrealistic part of the league, and annoying to input. I think it would actually create more FA movement because you need to be more careful with your cap space, you can't just cutback Chris Paul's huge deal to free up $40M for example.
  2. Designate all point guard eligible players ahead of the draft. That would stop all shooting guard from being moved to point guard. Less position changes as a result.
  3. Stick to a strict every other day schedule. The more frequent sims result in commish burnout.
  4. Have pre-season injuries carry over into the regular season. It would be pure comedy to see Kemba have severe depression in the preseason and miss most of the regular season.
1- just kill trading lol
2- sure makes sense
3- makes sense
4- wouldn’t even pay to play any starters in Ps lol


Well-known member
1. No cut backs. They don't exist IRL and they kinda just fuck with the free agent market, and they're also the only reason why some teams have like 300M in the bank.

2. No trading coaches. Also doesn't exist

3. Coaching has to be paid and submitted by sim 1. I just think trading coaches and saving them for the end of the season to tank better is dumb. Just make it all happen at once, make the other sims more straightforward for those running them.

4. Some type of cap on banks or a tax or something. A hard cap would be easier. But having like $400M in the bank after a decade of tanking is a stupid advantage and a way to horde value without it expiring or showing up on your roster and hurting your tank. It isn't too big of a problem IMO but can still be exploited if someone really wanted to.

5. Don't let guys play backup where they can't start. Kyrie broke the scoring record because Carmelo was running PG for Miami one year. And I also raise the issue again that you could intentionally acquire an injured player to work around the position rule and run guys at PG to cheese in the playoffs, or even to improve position in the standings. It still could have an impact on the league.

6. Get Josh a better laptop


Well-known member
1. No cut backs. They don't exist IRL and they kinda just fuck with the free agent market, and they're also the only reason why some teams have like 300M in the bank.

2. No trading coaches. Also doesn't exist

3. Coaching has to be paid and submitted by sim 1. I just think trading coaches and saving them for the end of the season to tank better is dumb. Just make it all happen at once, make the other sims more straightforward for those running them.

4. Some type of cap on banks or a tax or something. A hard cap would be easier. But having like $400M in the bank after a decade of tanking is a stupid advantage and a way to horde value without it expiring or showing up on your roster and hurting your tank. It isn't too big of a problem IMO but can still be exploited if someone really wanted to.

5. Don't let guys play backup where they can't start. Kyrie broke the scoring record because Carmelo was running PG for Miami one year. And I also raise the issue again that you could intentionally acquire an injured player to work around the position rule and run guys at PG to cheese in the playoffs, or even to improve position in the standings. It still could have an impact on the league.

6. Get Josh a better laptop
Coaches have been traded irl?


Your Moms Favorite GM
1. D-League is processed at the same time as summer league, IRing players not required. Sending good prospects to the D-league just helps the all out tanking wars and if required to actually play these guys some of the tanking teams couldn't hide their best players for the full season. Also good teams who make good use of late picks don't have to waste years of the player being on a good contract by being IRd.

2. Swap rights should be attached to picks. If you trade a pick with a swap right attached, the team receiving the picks also received the swap right by default, as it is attached to the pick.

3. Go back to making the coaches a little broader regarding what they can coach. The coach structure currently is fine, but I preferred it when coaches were geared towards offensive categories, defensive categories, and athletic categories, as opposed to the very specific skill sets they are now where they are really limited to coaching specific position groups basically. Also like the idea of these being due earlier in the season, maybe not before sim 1 but maybe by the ASG.


Eliminate cutbacks - a fake part of the league. Would extremely limit flexibility and trades, but realistically we have a core of 25+ gms that aren’t going anywhere. Would make everyone adjust, save a fuck load of time for commishes.

have donkey give everyone a password protected file - just feel like it would protect the integrity of the game a lot more rather than everyone having access behind the scenes. Would make donkey have to input all camps/spends, which is more work on him but we can wait a couple sims for a +2.

get rid of extreme blatant tanking, like guards starting at bigs and finding big men with C- ratings across the board. More work for commishes cutting all your players and finding the worst garbage in FA. Also plays a role in pushing out great role players at the end of the season who just sit in FA.

getting rid of position changes would save a fuck load of inputting


Well-known member
1. Eliminate cutbacks. This will force good teams to be more savvy with cap management.
2. Limit trade of picks to only 5 years in the future. This will limit creation of super teams.
3. At least one trade must be made every two seasons. Some GMs just don't respond and their teams are stuck in mediocrity.
4. Put Manic back in group chat. Chat is just better with Manic.


Well-known member
I like getting rid of D League / IR. That’s a good fix.

I get cutbacks suck but they are very good for activity. I wouldn’t hate the No trading back for picks rule. Would love to see more player-to-player incentive trades.

I’m actually really down for public file or even the few cats shared whatever. Distrust is very frustrating and like when you work on this shit for houra and people making passive aggressive accusations that shit is very tired.


the best
1. D-League is processed at the same time as summer league, IRing players not required. Sending good prospects to the D-league just helps the all out tanking wars and if required to actually play these guys some of the tanking teams couldn't hide their best players for the full season. Also good teams who make good use of late picks don't have to waste years of the player being on a good contract by being IRd.

2. Swap rights should be attached to picks. If you trade a pick with a swap right attached, the team receiving the picks also received the swap right by default, as it is attached to the pick.

3. Go back to making the coaches a little broader regarding what they can coach. The coach structure currently is fine, but I preferred it when coaches were geared towards offensive categories, defensive categories, and athletic categories, as opposed to the very specific skill sets they are now where they are really limited to coaching specific position groups basically. Also like the idea of these being due earlier in the season, maybe not before sim 1 but maybe by the ASG.

Ngl I thought 2 was a thing already

The Godfather

Well-known member
Every GM is allowed to get 3 screenshots per season of a players attributes.. it could be their own or someone elses..cost $10mil...

Not quite the public file route..but a strategic version of it


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Public file

Position change mandates they just go through the next TC at that position

Allow subtracting weight to get quickness instead of adding weight for strength


Well-known member
I like having a strict but manageable sim schedule commishes as you need commishes who aren't burnt out doing extra work outside of their normal jobs.

I like the no trade picks back to same team rule and encourage more player to player trades.

cutback I feel is essential for league trade flexibility. it's more challenging to make trades otherwise and you have to be mindful when signing/trading for players. This will kill trade numbers imo


Staff member
If you are tanking, you have to “register” as doing so and your team gets a CPU DC for the season (other than IR for dleague guys). This prevents bending the rules tanking wise with sketchy DCs that become a judgment call. If you have less than 30 wins without registering to have a CPU DC, you lose your pick.

Eliminate cutbacks. A player can still be cut immediately following a trade, but they go to

I’m torn on public file mostly because people can download fbb and run simulations on the side - but it’s an intriguing idea


Staff member
I haven’t figured out a perfect formula for this but if we wanted to address the tanking issue and the supply of cash to teams that tank every year, we could charge them for doing so.

Want to tank? Fine, but it’ll cost you. Maybe $1M per win/loss differential? Going 10-72 will cost you $62M. 4-78? $74M.

Go 45-37 but miss the playoffs? Collect $8M

This would strongly limit how long and often teams can all out tank for. It’ll eat up a ton of cutback cash and it’s realistic in a sense that teams don’t make money in empty arenas putting out horrible rosters.

I think this would be contingent in keeping a cutback system in place to gain large sums of cash but don’t hate the idea that Yrtb brought up as some form of waivers during every cutback. We’d have to discuss more rules about that though. Are they on waivers on a minimum deal? Or do they hit waivers under current deal and if no one claims, they get cut back? Etc.

I like the idea of DLG being done before season and available to play guys right away.

I like the idea of a more broad scope for coaching. Would make more teams interested in getting a coach and not just doing a $1M hire every year.

Not huge on public file. Password protected maybe if it allows for position change tinkering since that seems to be an annoyance with commishes. Could make it a paid position for just one person to have a protected file for position changes. Post your change/wonders and then they can post the outcome and you decide if you want it to become officially a change? Also could Cap the amount of position changes.

swap rights remain with picks if traded that way anyway I thought?

strict sim schedule is fine but I feel like the majority of time that it gets off schedule is because life happens and commishes run a little late. That’s usually when we get the quicker turnaround on the following sim. Either way, this is all in the hands of commishes. Us peasants cannot dictate sim times. Wouldn’t be fair.

Also meant to add that in line with the “tank tax” idea, we could implement cash payouts for home playoff games. Franchises rake in cash in the playoffs so why shouldn’t there be some more upside for it here.If we wanted to limit the earnings so the same teams aren’t just making an absolute killing every year, we could do like $1M per home game up to 5 games, then $.5M after that or something. All numbers can be adjusted but the system could be useful


Well-known member
I like the idea of getting rid of cutbacks. Makes it a lot tough to do trades and teams may have to give up actual assets sometimes instead of just a CB player.

Waivers for cut players is an idea I’ve seen in the past that would be cool. A lot of tanking teams cut some of their best guys and when the 24 hour clock starts it’s a bit unfair to those who may be on different time zones. Waiver system fixes that.


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Here’s my original suggestion:

RFA needs a revamp. First to sign depending on who is around at 11AM after TC the next day is lame. You should be able to offer FA contracts, maybe do it like just post the player thread you want to sign and it’s an open bidding process based off remaining cap or if you have your MLE still remaining / BAE. But first come first serve kinda sucks and some years it’s actually impactful players
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