Sim 5 (S22)

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Your Moms Favorite GM

1. CP3 - Always has been, always will be. Careen 19 and 10 guy. Really good player - but there was a run where people thought he was the best guy in the league. Never even close.
2. Yao - Another great player, always outdid his ratings. But I always thought Shard was the best player on the GB Celtics teams, and even in MIN, his old mate still put him on his back.
3. Al Horford - Speaks for itself. The Ebbs worked together to will this pick into existing from pure posting prowess.


1. Kyrie - Feel like everyone puts Steph and Kemba above him because of assists. But it's a simulation about scoring more points than your opponent and he's dumping 40 every night. The new best player of this iteration (Future Buck)
2. Carmelo - Was always higher on him than the league. I value scoring above all, and Melo topped the league in that department for a solid 5 year window
3. KAT - Feel like he gets glossed over because he's on the Pistons and Jason doesn't thump his chest in chat - but comparing KAT to the next best prospects in the league right now (Murray and Tatum) just shows how far ahead he is of every other player even remotely in his generation. Next GOAT big of this file
Yao wasn’t even the best big on those teams I had zbo too. Still not overrated whatsoever tho lol


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Yao wasn’t even the best big on those teams I had zbo too. Still not overrated whatsoever tho lol
I almost picked ZBo actually but I do think he was actually really good. And the Yao pick goes beyond just his Celtics tenure. People in this very thread were saying he was a shot blocker, which he never really was. So just think the perceived value of Yao is higher than he really was - but again I do think he was good. Just not like top 10-15


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Lou Williams - This was a guy who was owned by both Ebbs at one point and we always heard how great he was. The narrative was that he would be dope at PG but realistically he turned it over too many times if he were to play PG.

Carlos Boozer
- Henny's baby girl. He's been his poster child for the Nuggets since day 1. It took him 14 seasons to finally average 20/10 and he's only done that twice in his career. No idea why Henny keeps resigning him, time to move on.

Tony Parker - Played alongside with an all-star in Joe Johnson but could never get over the hump. Getting paid like a top point guard in the league and is basically un-tradable. I think even in his prime years, he wasn't as good as he was made out to be.


Eddie House
- This is probably my biggest regret. I had a chance to get him pretty cheap and didn't think he would had continued to be what he was. His peak years he was a bucket who could pass the ball pretty good. His overall career numbers are all on the top 100 list but no one really talked about him.

Brandon Jennings - I was a big fan of him coming into the draft and feel like he's turned out into a pretty solid PG. Can score, dishes it out and doesn't turn it over a whole lot. Great contract to go with him as well. WHY DID FOREMAN MOVE HIM!?

Kevin Martin - Dude is a bucket that I'm surprised some teams haven't jumped on to grab. At one point he was a RFA who had B B ratings and was doing 20 PPG. He's similar to Nick Young who's been talked up a bit in the past few years but K-Mart is right up there with him. Made an all-star game this season while scoring 23 PPG. Good to see he's finally getting a chance.


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I don’t get the Yao picks tbh.

1- Kobe. He was very good but he wasn’t the god everyone made him out to be. Always seemed to choke a little bit come playoff time.
2-tim Duncan. Gonna throw a little wild card out there. He was good player but I think he was a major disappointment, he was never as good as his ratings seemed but was seen as this big star.
3- Allen Iverson- another good player but he was seen as a top guy and I think he hurt some teams with his play style. He had some nice Tcs in his mid 20s but I thought he was pretty overrated

1- Shard- I don’t think he ever got the credit he deserved. He was really unreal. Great scorer and awesome board guy for where you played him. He showed up when it mattered too. Big time winner

2- Ray Allen. To be a little different. I really think he was as good as anyone on the file and he’s not talked about like that enough imo. He was a winner, he was huge for my team and the nets championships. Hewas as good as terry and last as long as any star.

3- Carmelo he’s one of the best scorers in the league and never gets talked up as one of the best players in the league.


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I’m going off a much smaller sample size than most of you guys, but here goes…

  1. LeBron - Touted as one of the best athletes to ever live, this guy has done nothing but disappoint here. Lots of big numbers earlier in his career but teams seem to always get better after moving on from him.
  2. KCP - I actually really liked KCP after he became a 3+D stud but unfortunately it seems like he has to play PG to put up huge numbers (see: Rudy Fernandez) and for the price that the Raps paid, you’d really hope he would shine a little brighter.
  3. Greg Monroe - I’ve always liked looking at Monroe’s letter ratings because they seem to be extremely ideal for a big but whenever I see his output, I’m kind of let down. With the scarcity of good big men, Monroe looks like he could be a star but just comes off fraudulent to me.

  1. Dwight Howard - I see a few people have mentioned Dwight thus far, but all as overrated. I learned first hand this season how underrated he really is. He’s one of the best anchors in the league down low and single-handedly can carry a team to the playoffs. I’d put more blame on me for struggling to surround him with sure things and taking risks that didn’t quite pan out.
  2. Kyrie Irving - Seems crazy because he’s a top 5 player in the league but 40 ppg with over 8 assists and under 2 turnovers is just insanity. I’d imagine it’s one of the greatest seasons of all time.
  3. Kings Wings - Bojan and Chase both look extremely limited on the defensive end but somehow they’ve been able to cover that up and propel the Kings to the top seed in the East as of now. Honorable mention would be their PG in Murray who also looks like a scrub. No idea how this is happening but nice work by them.


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This is gonna be a hard one since I don't know a lot of this iteration but:


This pains me cause he's the goat irl, but Bron. Pretty numbers and grades but never did any winning, at least since I've gotten here. Only made it out of the first round once? Sad

John Wall: as many TOs as you could ever want. Not v efficient shooting. Pretty grades I guess but doesn't really contribute a whole lot to winning. Doesn't score too well either.

Danny Granger: he might not be incredibly overrated, but all his numbers were inflated by being on a terrible team; and then he flamed out after I traded him.


Yao Ming: He's been old forever but he keeps getting better and having good seasons. Pretty sure he's has was couple + TCs after turning 35.

Kyrie Irving: Feel like he should be in the Steph/Same category more than he is. Dude is absolutely nuts. Also love that the CLB brought him back home to Cleveland. But yeah, anything you could want from a superstar, you get from Kyrie. Just needs that championship.

James Johnson: I continue to not care and I will die on this hill. He was a good player for me and should've gotten me more when I ended up trading him. Good rebounder and defender.


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Kobe: He always looked elite and had insane ratings and great scoring stats, but that never contributed to winning. Obviously rings aren't all that matters, but based on boxes (from what I've heard) his defensive ratings weren't quite as good as they looked on paper.

KCP: This is tough because I think that only a subset of the league was all that high on him, but Beats did a great job marketing him when he was posting ridiculous numbers but also sky high TOs last season. Now he looks pretty mediocre - his volume is down, he has TO issues, and his percentages are average. He's just a decent 3&D player, not someone you move 5+ picks for. HM to Thomas Klepeisz who is on the same team and isn't close to worth a max contract or being dealt a high lotto pick for.

Wesley Matthews: He isn't quite that overrated now, everyone knows that he sucks. But for a while he was seen as a very valuable asset despite his high turnovers. And now he's just a meme used to inflate turnovers on a tanking team even despite his elite 3/D abilities.


Delonte West: He's quietly been a fringe top 5 PG for almost a decade now. He's the perfect example of a guy who doesn't look amazing in terms of ratings, but has really great percentages and obviously high handles in comparison to passing. He would have more attention if Donk wasn't just memeing

Yao Ming: At this point I'm not sure if he's fairly valued or underrated because people have talked about him a lot of late, but he was definitely underrated for a while. His value now is partly lower due to his age, but he was close to 20/10 for a while, and his blocks are pretty respectable as well

Emeka Okafor: Similar to Yao, I'm not sure that he's as underrated now, especially as someone on ebbs team, but for a while he was just seen as a role player even though he's an elite shot blocker.

HM: Ryan Gomes was a very solid bench scorer for a long time


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LeBron James: given his overall balanced build and obviously amazing athletic traits/pots, he could have been the best SF. Whichever team that had him never really won a ship and I feel like James could have been that good of a player to lead a team to a ship.

Nikola Jokic: He is a good player, but I don't think he's quite the elite player that a lot of player hype him up to be. He probably has potential to improve with TCs, but until he has one more nice TC, he's nice well rounded big with high upside.

KCP: only placing him as overrated cuz of the assets he was traded for. He was milked in PG to make his stats look better but he wasn't worth all the assets he was traded for. He's a good wing and D 3rd option type of player.


Brooke Lopez: my favorite kind of big who can defend and score/rebound. I would consider him a highly valuable player.

Kawhi Leonard: probably the most well rounded wing in the game. Melo keeps getting the attention with his scoring, but Kawhi scores and defends while doing so efficiently.

Delonte West: Given the plethora of good PGs like Walker, Curry, Irving, Paul, Telfair, Williams to name a few, I would but Delonte right around Telfair/Williams given his split and turnover.


the best
Who are the three most overrated players of this iteration and why?

Baron Davis - sure he was an elite distributor and defender, but he also turned it over a lot and was an inefficient scorer, still was a top 2 PG most of his years but I think he was blown out of proportion.

Vince Carter -I would know, the man was a bunch of empty baskets as he could score very well, but he allowed just as many if not more points. He looked really good but he was not a winning player at all.

Lebron James - good stats, was a really dominant player, but he never was able to get to the finals one single time. He’s had decent teams around him in Orlando, and a couple years he had a good team in Dallas. Just couldn’t do it. Overrated. Skip Bayless would love this.

Who are the three most underrated players of this iteration and why?

Wally Sczerbiak - dude was a super good scorer for Cavs, when the wing was a rather weak position. He was very efficient, rebounded well, and he wasn’t the best defender but he was overlooked A LOT when he was on the block.

Yao Ming - kinda piggy backing here, but it’s true. He didn’t have flashy ratings but the man has been super consistent his career as a 17/10 big with great defense and very good splits. He never really got any flowers for being that good.

Gary Payton - Led the bucks to a finals, was pretty elite until he was done playing. One of the best defenders we’ve had on the file, and he got much better at scoring with age as well. I honestly don’t remember if people talked about him much but I feel like he was underrated.
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Grant Hill:

Bar none, the single most overrated player in this file, and it isn’t close. Couldn’t shoot, his defense was mostly fluffy, got destroyed in every big game in the finals or playoffs he ever appeared in, turned the ball over, was really best at the 4 but didn’t rebound well enough to be a legitimate 4. Just a weird tweener forward who was viewed as a LeBron type in value but these high inside wings who pass a lot don’t ever workout as well as you want them to, but they’re such a coveted build.
Total loser, total fraud, wasn’t good.

Allen Iverson:

Bad defender, horrific rebounder, TO guy, was never overly successful but he was a sexy name, I was never high on him at any point

Vince Carter:

Another sexy name that people idolized because of their youth and flashy play style but he was the king of the empty stat line. Never won anything. Just an all-around fraud.

Elton Brand: (Bonus Answer)

He was regarded as a big valuable trade chip for several years, and the shine wore off towards the end of his career but he was a TO machine with a a subpar TS% for a guy who was always on a max deal and expected to be the best big on his roster. His teams never won anything at all and that was a big part of it. He could rebound but he was billed to be much more.


Carlos Boozer:

Hank hyped him and overpaid him which made nobody ever take him seriously and in a weird roundabout way it made him underrated because if you look back on his career he’s one of the most consistent players we’ve seen at the PF position throughout this iteration. He was rock solid year in and out and for a very long duration. Double-double machine, great FT shooter got a big, no real holes in his game, wasn’t elite at anything but he was good everywhere

Quentin Richardson:

He was sneaky very good, and he always signed for cheap deals. He defended well, he had nice scoring volume, he was an efficient shooter, he didn’t turn the ball over, and he was a + rebounder. He was pretty sweet but he played with smaller market GMs. Feel like he also came in a little older than most prospects and retired a bit earlier so his run was shorter but he was very very solid.

Wally Szcerbiak:

Similar answer here to Q-Rich, but he was like kind of a fringe elite guy for quite awhile. He was a passable defender, he was a solid rebounder, and he was a lights out scorer. He was a sub 2 TOPG guy who averaged 22+ PPG for his career on incredibly efficiency splits at a time in the league when shooting wasn’t nearly as prevalent and came at much more of a premium. He was a sneaky good passer as well at around 3.5 APG and he was even up around 25 PPG for a few years. Just a very solid player all around that didn’t win but it wasn’t his fault, dude was legit.


Your Moms Favorite GM
Bron easily. Was badically viewed here like real life Lebron and while he was very good here in his prime it was all star level but never like crazy elite all time type
Lou Williams. God I hated hearing about him. Had a solid couple year stretch but overall was mostly just a good player that got talked about like a star.
Kcp kinda mid. Way to many TOs if he has any volume whatsoever

Angelo Caloaro - guys nasty and just ignored cuz 76ers stink. We have joked they were a team of all 3rd options but Angelo def the best of the group and is really really good.
Evan Turner - was overhyped by hooper during his time playing pg and being cheesed. He was being misused all along and is an awesome sf. He’s out leading scorer on a borderline “super team” as a non option.
Shard Lewis - was during the era of a ton of great wings and I think he always got put in the middle lower tier. He was a big time winning player compared to most of the others though and was always super efficient with good volume and was good in all areas.


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1. Paul Pierce - He was a GREAT player and did eventually get a ring next to Kobe after a long career there together. Always felt Pierce was overvalued in trade talks when he could have been moved for an elite big man (which they lacked for 80% of Kobes career) or an Elite point guard (because AI was all name/fluff attributes). Pierce is basically like Vince Carter, but actually won something

2. Vince Carter - pains me to say this, but VC was all pretty attributes and cheesed scoring. He also at one point had like the highest paying contract in the league lol. Like Pierce, could never be the #1 guy on a championship...or even playoff contending team.

3. Penny Hardaway - Was kind of a fraud during his career. Never won anything in Orlando, he held Shaq with his poor defense and rebounding and taking too many shots. Died in TC after leaving in FA im pretty sure too. Was deemed a top 10 spec part of the best starting roster when we did the team draft.... was not worth it

HM. Grant Hill - similar to penny, but career lasted longer and was never a #1 or even a #2 guy worth building around


1. Ray Allen - He is probably the GOAT this iteration so far, but we don't (and never) talked about him the way we did RJ/Maxey/Cole or the way we currently do Curry/Kyrie/Kemba. Most rings, insane scoring numbers, and just a championship player. #GOAT

2. Steve Nash - this will #trigger G9 due to #POTGate. Nash was an elite passing, low TO, efficient af point guard who has a HoF worthy resume. His stats could have been even crazier if we didn't run balanced for basically the duration of the Kg/Nash Pick n Roll era. Doesn't get any love, and almost gets treated like a meme. We don't make it to 4 finals without Nash

3. Paul Millsap - career has been ruined by being stuck with Nate for the duration of his prime, but he's a dope big man that would have been great on any playoff team. His ability to play SF is a bonus as well if you wanted to cheese his rebounding.

HM. Terrell Brandon, he is the reason the Cavs have 1k career wins this iteration, dude carried the Cavs in the bloodbath of an Eastern Conference


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1. Paul Pierce - He was a GREAT player and did eventually get a ring next to Kobe after a long career there together. Always felt Pierce was overvalued in trade talks when he could have been moved for an elite big man (which they lacked for 80% of Kobes career) or an Elite point guard (because AI was all name/fluff attributes). Pierce is basically like Vince Carter, but actually won something

2. Vince Carter - pains me to say this, but VC was all pretty attributes and cheesed scoring. He also at one point had like the highest paying contract in the league lol. Like Pierce, could never be the #1 guy on a championship...or even playoff contending team.

3. Penny Hardaway - Was kind of a fraud during his career. Never won anything in Orlando, he held Shaq with his poor defense and rebounding and taking too many shots. Died in TC after leaving in FA im pretty sure too. Was deemed a top 10 spec part of the best starting roster when we did the team draft.... was not worth it

HM. Grant Hill - similar to penny, but career lasted longer and was never a #1 or even a #2 guy worth building around


1. Ray Allen - He is probably the GOAT this iteration so far, but we don't (and never) talked about him the way we did RJ/Maxey/Cole or the way we currently do Curry/Kyrie/Kemba. Most rings, insane scoring numbers, and just a championship player. #GOAT

2. Steve Nash - this will #trigger G9 due to #POTGate. Nash was an elite passing, low TO, efficient af point guard who has a HoF worthy resume. His stats could have been even crazier if we didn't run balanced for basically the duration of the Kg/Nash Pick n Roll era. Doesn't get any love, and almost gets treated like a meme. We don't make it to 4 finals without Nash

3. Paul Millsap - career has been ruined by being stuck with Nate for the duration of his prime, but he's a dope big man that would have been great on any playoff team. His ability to play SF is a bonus as well if you wanted to cheese his rebounding.

HM. Terrell Brandon, he is the reason the Cavs have 1k career wins this iteration, dude carried the Cavs in the bloodbath of an Eastern Conference
Damn I wish I remembered Brandon he would’ve been an easy overrated pick too


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1. Zach Randolph - This guy throughout his career was looked at as a top big in the league. In reality, he was always a mere top 100 player, and towards the bottom of that list. He benefited greatly from being on contending teams and never really having to be the guy.
2. Dirk Nowitzki - Another player who just wasn't very good, and for a long time was a terrible defender. He was constantly passed around between some of the best teams in the league and was cheesed to score a lot. But he was always a huge liability defensively, and wasn't a good rebounder for a big man. All he did was score.
3. Richard Hamilton - Paid a lot of money over the course of his career, and never did anything other than score. Crazy to look back and see he averaged 32.5 minutes per game over the course of his career. Zero rings speaks for itself with him.

1. Pau Gasol - For several years he was consistently a top 10 player in the league, one of the best big men of this iteration, but to me he never really got that much credit. Spent most of his prime with the Nets (Notail) so he was never super hyped.
2. Tony Parker - Incredible player, again another top 10 player in the league for a long time. What happened to him was strange, he got a bad wrap and was punished by being on tanking / poorly run teams. Contenders never really gave him a chance, when they could've used him as a championship centerpiece.
3. John Wall - The two most over analyzed statistics in FBB are blocks and turnovers. People overvalue the players who block shots and undervalue the players who turn the ball over. John Wall is an elite point guard, who gets looked down upon due to turnovers. He's showing this year that he's a winner, carrying a pathetic Lakers team to the playoffs.
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