Sim 5 (S30)

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In player evaluation, how do the categories below dictate your thoughts and which categories are more important than the others? Do you have a method that you use to base your evaluations?

  • Age
  • Salary
  • Production
  • Attribute Scouts
  • Letter Grades
  • Potential
  • DC Utilization
  • System

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The Godfather

Well-known member
Age 3
Salary 6
Production 1
Attribute Scouts 8
Letter Grades 4
Potential 2
DC Utilization 5
System 7

I like players that fit into my philosophy BUT system fit is the least of my worries if I see someone as a + ..I can accommodate accordingly..

Age is important as I make moves with next 5 seasons in mind. Salary is not the be all when deciding additions But sometimes plays a roll in potential subtraction.

For Vets I do look at past production as a guide..for draft more of a letter rating ..especially for the attributes I look at for certain positions

I have 0 need for attribute scouts


Well-known member
  • Age 1
  • Salary 5
  • Production 7
  • Attribute Scouts 8
  • Letter Grades 6
  • Potential 2
  • DC Utilization 4
  • System 3
  • Age and pot very important. Should be young. I like to use very fast outside. I dont use attribute scouts


Well-known member
In player evaluation, how do the categories below dictate your thoughts and which categories are more important than the others? Do you have a method that you use to base your evaluations?

  • Age 6
  • Salary 4
  • Production 1
  • Attribute Scouts 2
  • Letter Grades 8
  • Potential 5
  • DC Utilization 3
  • System 7

  • For the draft it’s different but if I’m looking to win I rate It as is listed above , I really don’t care about letter grades. Production tells me a lot of what I need to know. Obviously matters what dc they are used in. For the draft it would be a little different but not that far off


Well-known member
  • Age 8
  • Salary 2
  • Production 1
  • Attribute Scouts 6
  • Letter Grades 5
  • Potential 3
  • DC Utilization 4
  • System 7
In the end, production has to be at the top regardless of letter grades/age. Salary comes in next as it allows for flexibility in making your team better. Potential allows for more room to grow for your team or not die depending on where the potenteial is. I personally put attribute scout at 6 because I don't attribute scout as as long as they produce, I'm okay with whatever attributes they have. age does not matter for me


  • Age - 3
  • Salary - 2
  • Production - 1
  • Attribute Scouts - 6
  • Letter Grades -10000
  • Potential - 4
  • DC Utilization - 7
  • System - 5
  • All these factors matter, but production is king. Best indicator that you can have. All the others help with team construction, but production and salary dictate moves.


Well-known member
  • Age - 6
  • Salary - 4
  • Production - 1
  • Attribute Scouts - 5
  • Letter Grades - 8
  • Potential - 7
  • DC Utilization - 2
  • System - 3
  • Production is the key to everything. As long as a guy can produce in the way you want them to, that's what helps the most. Potential outside of the first 2-3 years doesn't have too much of an impact on what that player is.


Staff member
  • Age - 7
  • Salary - 2
  • Production - 1
  • Attribute Scouts - 4
  • Letter Grades - 8
  • Potential - 3
  • DC Utilization - 5
  • System - 6
Production is king, with a grain of salt that you have to consider the team a player is on (25 ppg on a tanking team is meaningless). Production is a much better indicator of real ability than letter grades, and can be used to estimate attributes to a certain degree. I mostly just look at attributes if I’m concerned about a players handles/strength or something like that, especially before trades or for valuing rookies. Letter grades are somewhat useful but can be pretty misleading.

Potential matters a lot in terms of player development, waaay more than age. Salary is critical when competing, it’s almost impossible to build a contender with non elite players on max contracts


Well-known member
  • Age - 4
  • Salary - 3
  • Production - 1
  • Attribute Scouts - 6
  • Letter Grades - 8
  • Potential - 7
  • DC Utilization - 5
  • System - 3
Clearly I don't do this well!! Production, as like everybody else has said, is the most important. I've caught myself getting caught up in name value of payers irl as well, as opposed to how good they are in the sim. and just generally not paying full attention sometimes. Potential is important when drafting but letter grades other than that don't seem super important. But I am trying to get better!!!


  • Age - 4
  • Salary - 3
  • Production - 1
  • Attribute Scouts - 6
  • Letter Grades - 8
  • Potential - 7
  • DC Utilization - 5
  • System - 3
Clearly I don't do this well!! Production, as like everybody else has said, is the most important. I've caught myself getting caught up in name value of payers irl as well, as opposed to how good they are in the sim. and just generally not paying full attention sometimes. Potential is important when drafting but letter grades other than that don't seem super important. But I am trying to get better!!!
Letter grades really only matter DURING the draft lol


the best
different evaluations for the draft, but if the player is already drafted.

  • Age - 3, if you are trying to win obviously you want players that are younger and give you a longer window to win.
  • Salary - 2, can you build around this player with the current salary? Is it too much? Is it the perfect salary for a role player?
  • Production - 1, obviously the most important thing in a player.
  • Attribute Scouts - 5, I only scout players i draft right after the draft. But you can usually evaluate through boxes and players averages if they have bad handles or defense.
  • Letter Grades - 6, they lie.
  • Potential - 4, not as important for players over 25 I don’t think but you still don’t want it to be below 60
  • DC Utilization - 7, I feel like this ties in with production and the system
  • System - 8, same as above. Even though I have it last you have to weigh it with dc utilization and the players production. All very important.


Well-known member
Age 5
Salary 2
Production 1
Attribute Scouts 6
Letter Grades 8
Potential 3
DC Utilization 4
System 7

I usually base a lot of it on the production, salary and pot/age of a player when coming up with their value. Obviously you also need to see how they are being used in getting their production too and factor that in. Knowing the attributes can help avoid the utilization mattering that much but don't always have that information and can often figure out an estimate based on said production/utilization.


Well-known member
Staff member
  • Age - 7
  • Salary - 2
  • Production - 1
  • Attribute Scouts - 6 (don’t matter if you don’t have a reference point as to league benchmarks)
  • Letter Grades - 8
  • Potential - 3
  • DC Utilization - 4
  • System - 5


Well-known member
  • Age 1
  • Salary 7
  • Production 5
  • Attribute Scouts 4
  • Letter Grades 3
  • Potential 2
  • DC Utilization 8
  • System 6
There is no method to my madness


Staff member
  • Age - 5
  • Salary - 4
  • Production - 3
  • Attribute Scouts - 8
  • Letter Grades - 2
  • Potential - 6
  • DC Utilization - 7
  • System - 1

I’ve found myself lately looking for guys that fit my system and guys that may be on very team friendly deals. Letter grades are important to me because it affects the players value on the market. Being productive and younger is always a nice touch


Staff member
  • Age - 4, it matters a ton if guys are teens, in terms of potentially getting a potential boost.
  • Salary - 8, you can make just about any salary work with cutbacks.
  • Production - 1, this is the best judge of a player. You have to consider the situation they're in and if their numbers are inflated or not.
  • Attribute Scouts - 7, I just don't look at these so it doesn't matter.
  • Letter Grades - 2, This has a lot to do with a player's perceived value so you have to consider, especially where guys are fringe.
  • Potential - 3, potential is everything in FBB in terms of player progression.
  • DC Utilization - 6, doesn't matter a ton but it gives you a sense of volume and you can extrapolate lesser minutes.
  • System - 5, feels like the same question as DC utilization, but you can kind of see through it.
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