Sim 5 S&U (S7)


Staff member

Answer the following questions by next sim to claim $3.0M

1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.
4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?
5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?



Well-known member
1. No, I didn't expect to be a top team but I also expected to be a mid to low tier playoff team.

2. Give me Cloud v Ebbs 2. Both top of their conference in skill and both would make it an entertaining finals.

3. Promote: Cloud because he really is the best person for it, even though he doesn't have the time.
Fire: Notail just due to being the most inactive it seems like.
Hard Cap: Basing this for next season, have User go into the HC just because I have his pick and I know that without Giannis for at least hopefully a sim, it will make that pick better for me.

4. Give me the trade negotiations just because I'd be able to do other things in the meantime and I'd be waiting on a response due to the time difference.

5. Kobe, AI, Ray Allen, Mike Bibby, Chris Webber, Duncan, Peja, Mutombo, Ben Wallace, Rasheed, Rip Hamilton, Chauncey, Tayshaun, and Darko. Would love to see some early 2000s players, and the 04 Pistons team come back


Well-known member
Staff member
1. No, it hasn’t. We’re still the 1 seed but I thought we’d have more wins, team just doesn’t feel like it’s hit it’s stride though. All things considered with the situation we entered the offseason with we’ve been able to pivot nicely and find some extra firepower and retain the king of the hill position out west so very first world problems here.

2. Clippers vs Bucks rematch would be good. So would Clippers vs Orlando. Either series would be competitive. Don’t wanna see the Bulls in the finals vs anyone cuz Barrett is completely broken and tbh has kinda ruined the league, not fun having someone be that OP, never should’ve been allowed to play PG.

3. Air cuz he would be reliable and communicate and I don’t see him cheating.

Probably mentch cuz he doesn’t do anything with his team.

As far as the hardcap part goes I don’t really care I don’t have any disdain for anyone but it would be funny to watch panic squirm I guess. Idk not really a good answer here.

4. Give me the music. Avoid trade talks with Gabe like the bubonic plague... always a last resort for me.

5. Tracy McGrady, Allen Iverson, Penny Hardaway, Grant Hill all come to mind. Just loved their games, lot of flair, fun play styles. We also just need some great wings, SF is dead af so Hill and McGrady would help that.


1. Pretty much. I knew it was gonna be a struggle with no pick and having to sell off my talent the year before, but I didn’t think we’d be quite this bad. I’m now feeling the effects of trading out future picks to extend a window that basically went away overnight

2. I’d like to see literally anyone other than the Bulls out of the East make it to the Finals. And though I don’t feel as strongly about seeing anyone other than the Clippers make it out of the West, it would be nice to see some new blood for a change. So I’ll go with Magic / Suns

3. Promote - Cloud. He’s basically a commish without the file anyways so I don’t think anyone would have a problem with him taking a more administrative role with the league

Fire - id honestly choose myself here if I could, but the rules say that I can’t. So I’d fire Henny

Hard cap - not that I would wish this situation on him again, but it would be funny to see Daulten start scrambling again if he was to get forced back into HC territory

4. I’d take the trade negotiations. At least I’d get a few laughs out of it

5. Would love to see anyone from the 90s classes


Well-known member
1. I'd say yes. We are battling the Clippers for the top position in the West right now. When I signed Jaylen Brown in free agency, I knew we were on the right track to win ball games and compete. Trying out different depth charts in preparation of playoffs.

2. I'd like to see new blood in the finals so I vote for the Suns vs Magic. Suns because well that would be my own team and Magic because I don't want to see the Bulls in the finals again.

3. Promote - NC to have file access as he wants it.
Fire - Daulten since he's been over HC since Sim 1
Hardcap - Ebbs since he's probably need to lose pieces in order to get under.

4. I'll do the negotiations. I don't really mind Greeme and find him funny. There would for sure be lots of mehs.

5. We've yet to see Allen Iverson, Steve Nash, TMac, Ray Allen, Jason Kidd, Gary Payton in the league yet. Would be fun to have them I think


the best
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
Not quite, didn’t envision these injuries again, and also thought I’d find a Giannis and or Oladipo deal by now. Nobody offering anything of good value though.

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
Bucks and Clippers would be fun again, with both teams at full health. Already know the Bulls are gonna make it tho and I hope the clips at least take them to 7. Either matchup is a rematch for all teams involved.

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.

This is kinda like kill one, bang one, marry one. So I’d promote cloud to commish just cause he’s trustworthy IMO, but he ain’t got time for that shit so don’t even try to put that shit on him. Someone I’d fire is probably Daulten, no offense but he’s just been fucking up a ton lately and that’s the only reason. Otherwise I’d say brad just cuz he never does anything.

I’d send the Bulls over HC, so that R.J. can be on the IR for the playoffs so I can have an easy road to the finals. Sorry eeebs.

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?
Easily picking the music. I’d rather listen to kid ink or Katy perry over getting “meh” as a response to everything I offer lol.

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?
Seventh Woods, I think he was in a draft recently but not good. Allen Iverson, Tmac, Brandon Roy, Len Bias, Karl Malone, Chris Webber, and bring Pistol Pete back.


Well-known member
Answer the following questions by next sim to claim $3.0M

1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
I figured I would lose more games to be honest, but overall is about where I thought we would be. Mark Williams is not getting lucky with player of month voting.

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
Phoenix vs Indiana

Reason for that because no one would expect either one to go to the finals and it would be Jaden Hardy vs Samuell Williamson.

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.
Promote Cloud because he does the drafts and is next in line.
Fire Henny because it would be fun to see his reaction. Although I would then reinvite him.
Put Ebbs into HC difficulty, because he is the team that is the most dominant, otherwise I would likely pick Jon so that I could have more leverage for trading with him.

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?
Music, because I would likely end up falling asleep, and I enjoy trading with Gabe, but I would rather listen to music.

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?

Ray Allen or Muggsy Bogues, two of my favourites outside of Vince Carter.


Well-known member
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?

Pretty much. I knew we wouldn't be very competitive this season, but I did want to improve and try to at least get the win rating up somewhat. I did some cutbacks in the offseason that limited our ability to sign players and really be competitive but that was also part of the plan. Gaining assets to make a push this upcoming offseason was/is the goal.

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?

Has to be Clips/Bulls running it back, right? I mean the Bulls are ridiculously dominant. The Clippers have taken a slight step backward it seems but have been playing well as of late. I think it would be another good series between the two and I think that is likely the road we are heading toward barring injuries.

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.

File Access - Cloud, already went over this nominating him to be an additional commish.
Fire - Panic, just because he refuses to respond to anyone it seems. The random statements in the chat while ignoring any and all DMs really grinds my gears.
HC - Ebbs, simple: trade me Barrett to get out of HC trouble!

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?

I am not sure what type of music you listen to, so I would say negotiate with Gabe for 24 hours. I have had some discussions with Gabe and they really haven't been too bad at all. Granted it isn't a huge deal, but he hasn't been hard to deal with. I am assuming this question indicates you listen to some weird type of music, I really can't put up with that for very long.

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?

Retro, I always enjoy the retro classes. It reminds me of watching basketball as a kid, of course that's the 80s/90s era. I also enjoy some of the classes of the past and I just overall prefer players who I know as opposed to the younger kids we have currently that we know little about.


Well-known member
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
nope. fa went great. got nurk, okafor and whiteside. but the plan was to flip all 3. 0/3
2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
pels vs pistons. really pels vs anybody would be the most entertaining. of course henny has to make the playoffs first.
3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.
access - emac just so we could see that any decent gm could dominate with the file
fire - jazz or mentch for doing poorly. panic for not answering
hc - brack. always fun to see brack over the hc ranting
4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?
choice c
5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?
wilt, west, baylor, love the old timers


Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
It did not go as planned. Wanted a top pick in the first retro draft but we had some sims where we won too many games. Cool to see some guys step up but we need a lotto jump
2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?

Magic - Clippers

Would be cool to see Cole vs LaMelo. Teams match up well it would be a good series with the DC Voodoo
3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.

Bulls. Make it more difficult for them to compete.
4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?

I'll negotiate with Gabe. Not taking that chance Donkey. Eventually I'll get a deal with Gabe.
5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why

Chris Webber. That's my guy and he didn't pan out last time. Would like to see KG/Dirk/Kobe/Duncan/Peja/Nash/Kidd


Your Moms Favorite GM
Answer the following questions by next sim to claim $3.0M

1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?

No I planned it would have been over a week ago.

But as far as my team go yea we are right about where I had hoped to be.

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?

Spurs - pistons

Cuz I’m not competing and everyone would be so salty about this one

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.

File - stock answer is cloud cuz he’s a good gm anyway reliable and already helps a lot with a lot of aspects of the league
Fire - pick someone who doesn’t do anything
HC - Bulls so I can claim R.J. off waivers

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?

Easily negotiate a trade with Greeme for 24 hours I’ve negotiated trades with him for full seasons that end with meh

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?

A lot of guys mentioned above. Top of my list would be like tmac, AI, Tim Duncan, kg idk all those types


Well-known member
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
Not quite, I thought i would be worse but unfortunate ive been too good to tank. hoping for some Lotto Luck
2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
My answer is not the Bulls because if they are healthy they arent losing. I want competition.
3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.
Cloud is getting it, he has enough responsibility already, the commish jump isnt that much more.
Daulten is getting fired, too many fuck ups
Throw gabe into the hardcap because why not.

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?
Ill take the music, just because i like any music
5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?
Steve Nash, Lebron James, Carmelo, Wilt, Larry Bird, Jordan, Stockton, TACO FALL


Well-known member
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?

We are about where I expected, 3-5 seed in the east. Planning wise I was hoping we would be to the playoff / draft sims by now

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?

Nobody who has been there before, maybe a little Spurs - Magic action would be fun to see if Cole can claim his crown or if Daulten can overcome his hard cap inefficiencies to win a ship

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.

Nominate Frank. New to sim leagues so wouldn't have the experience / knowledge to take advantage of looking at the things you can see on the file

probably would fire Chris, worst co gm ive ever seen

fine 10 mil? lets do daulten for shits and giggles

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?

negotiating with Gabe, not as bad as people make it out to be. Maybe I can overpay for Lauri once again ;)

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?

I just want to see draft classes early and by early I mean on time, I could care less who is in them lol. If I gotta nominate some people let me see some of my App State guys: Isaac Johnson, Justin Forrest, Donald Sims, Tyrell Johnson, Bennett Holley, O'Showen Williams, Griffin Kinney!


Well-known member
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
Just fine. Considering I lost Drummond for 35 games.

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
Pistons-Clippers. Because Panic is in it.

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.
Cloud -Access. Because he's been here 10 years.
Fire - Heat GM. Because I cant fire myself. Ive been very busy the past month.
Bulls GM - 10M Hard cap. Because the team is too good.

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?

Donkey. I like some of Donkey's music.

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?

Kobe. Because Im a Lakers fan.


Well-known member
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
I dunno, I suppose so? I didn't think we'd be a top 3 team in the west. We're middling right now which I don't love. I was hoping Pippen would be more effective at SG. We're not in a bad place but we are probably a couple moves away from really being contenders.

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
Hornets and Kings. Two underdog 8th seeds making it all the way to the finals. All the top teams would be pissed but it would be fun to see that happen. I doubt it has ever happened in FBB before....but perhaps.

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.
I mean the obvious answer for file access is Cloud. He's been doing this shit for a long time and I'd trust him not to cheat.
I guess I'll fire Daulten because of all the shit that happened with him. Dude was just not paying attention or was trying to cheat the system. Neither is great.
I'm gonna force the Bulls $10m into the hard cap to try to disassemble that super team and get him to move RJ.

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?
Uhhh I guess I'll negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours. I don't want to sit in an empty room listening to Donkey music for 24 hours straight. Sounds like a torture chamber.

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?

Definitely Kobe and Iverson. Both are such fun players to have in FBB. Also i'm a huge Lakers fan so I want Kobe in the league. Would also love to see Magic and Bird in the league.


Well-known member
1. For the most part it has gone as expected. I didn’t think my offense would be as inept as it has been. My team doesn’t even need to tank to be bad. Zane Hicke has been better than I expected.

2. I really don’t care. I’ll just go with something random. Hawks and Warriors.

3. Promote - Cloud is the obvious answer but honestly whoever has the time and will to do it.

Fire - I’ve been pretty bad in this league but I can’t choose myself. So I guess I’ll choose with Daulten.

Hard cap - Bulls just to make it a challenge.

4. Honestly, I don’t think there is anything that I’d ever want to do for 24 hours. If I’m in an empty room I’ll probably find the music entertaining at least.

5. Gary Payton, Clyde Drexler, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Dominique Wilkins, David Robinson, Hakeem Olajuwon. Just some guys from the 80s/90s that would be cool to see.


Mavericks GM
1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?

Yes. My plan was always push for a ship in Beal's final year. Well, that's next year. We've been able to slowly add assets. Hopeefully next year it opens up a little and we can add the finishing touches to really, really contend.

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?

Bulls vs Clippers

Best teams.

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.

File - air
Fire - chris, I miss my cogm
Force - bulls, gotta attack the strongest competition, even if he'll recover rather easily

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?

i like talking to greeme

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?

marques johnson, oscar robertson, bob lanier, kareem, moncrief

bucks legends


1. Has this season gone as you had planned so far or no? Why?
No, kind of lost a lot of interest in this league so didnt really make any moves

2. What for you would be the most entertaining finals match-up this year? Why?
I would say Magic/ Suns. New blood in the finals and a bunch of young guys looking to prove something

3. You get to promote someone to having file access, fire someone and force one GM $10M into the hard cap, who do you choose and why. You can't choose yourself for any of these.
Promote Cloud, wouldn't really fire anyone but I guess maybe Daulten for all the screwups, HC for Ebbs. That was an easy one

4. You have have to sit in an empty room listening to my music for 24 hours or you have to negotiate a trade with Gabe for 24 hours, which do you choose and why?
Negotiate with Gabe. I dont really find it all that difficult to do. Far worse negotiators in the league

5. What players are you hoping to see in drafts down the road, can be either retro or re-entry, and why?
As a Kings fan, definitely C-Webb, Bibby, Peja, get J-Will in here and make him a top PG. Also one of my favorite players back in the day Gerald Wallace. Forgotten but he could ball

The Godfather

Well-known member
1. No.. We wanted to be 7 or 8th seed as we continue to bring younger pieces to surround Waters with talent. We needed to get younger and we did .now is about ramping this up. 2 yrs missing the poat season is not acceptable...

2. Magic vs Spurs.. Like to see new blood getting after it..would be very unpredictable as well

3. Cloud 100% he has lots of time on his hand and seems like an honest trustworthy dude.. The $10 mil definitely Bulls.. They need to be dismantled even of its depth ..just too loaded as they are.... Fire EMC what the hell does this guy ever do

4 GGabe..Fuck your music... I know he is a Jew so need to go in with that knowledge in hand.

5. Dominique Wilt..Dr J.. Larry Bird..Magic Johnson.. MJ.. And some of my old time LAC like Bill Walton .. Terry Cummings and Tom Chambers