Sim 4 & 5 S&U


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For 7.5 mill.

The last couple seasons has seen activity dip, what do you think would spice up the league, can't repeat the same idea as anyone else.


Well-known member
I like having college sim stats that donkey did. If he can manage that that adds another level of analysis with drafting because I feel like some people enjoy draft nights more than regular season

The Godfather

Well-known member
Yeah agree with Hokey puck.. Also maybe a trade bonanza where at a deadline or (by a deadline) you get +$2.5 to +$10 mil for making a trade..$$ depends on magnitude of trade.. But it would encourage activity

I like having College All Star games (get to know tge specs a bit) and maybe a Euro vs USA (College) game .in lieu of scouting this would at least shine the light a bit on specs..


What Greeme said.
I think once we start bringing in 80's-90's player it will start picking up.

Ive mentioned the way i was in one league and how FA was done a little differently, but that idea was shot down on multiple occasions for good reason lol.. Might make FA more interesting but pretty sure Donkey and other gms have said no


It would be nice to see more change at the top of the league, the importance of win rating is maybe too important and we don't see enough turnaround in the league

I would add other big drafts like the last one on a regular basis to help teams in the lottery, and fight the RJ/Cole/Maxey domination


Buy a ticket, take the ride
Biggest things is consistent scheduling for sims and drafts, etc.. When stuff gets inconsistent, combine with the fact that it's all S&U anyway, there's very little incentive to be frequently engaged because you don't know when shit is going to be happening anyway.


Well-known member
Bring back active GMs! League has taken quiet a bit when the active guys aren't around anymore. The guys who are barely around well, still ain't around.


Well-known member
If donkey would provide the draft class for the upcoming season before sim 1 giving us time to scout look at the list and get excited over certain names that would be a great addition. Idk why that ever stopped happening. I don't think donkey needs to provide stats nor do the classes need to be high percentage of big name 80s/90s guys. Just give us a list and let us muster over the big names and do some research to find potential diamonds in the rough based off their college/professional career stats

consistent sim schedule would be nice of course

taking away ASW predictions as a sim thread cash out. 90% of us hate doing it and the payout isnt worth the time investment. Sim 3 is probably our least active sim activity wise of every season

Or a way to make above easier is to just allow all 1st round pick rookies to play instead of "sitting out" but still apply the camps to them following the season. Could just change it from "DLG" to "rookie experience" as they would have gained experience from getting minutes, therefore +2/+3 or +1/+1. Also might be a nice changeup for the league as we would get more eyes on rookies talent levels earlier than usual potentially leading to more trades/activity

giving a 40 minutes heads up for a live sim is shitty

Bring back Cloud, y'all just let the rock of this league go for no damn reason. Only giving him one night to cool off after a fuck up (which I get happens, that same thing has happened to me three times this league alone lol its cool)

Allowing User to come back after making the bucks situation so shitty was kinda messed up imo. My Hawks dont have some futures so I might just quit for a few weeks then and hope an opening happens soon to jump right back into. Not a great precedent set there

Can I get paid for my article from sim 1

Draft games coming back could be a cool addition, especially since donkey doesnt do regular season shit so he can just make the draft and one dead weekend or day off pop in and say "draft games uploaded"

Don't punish GM's for not being able to attend a live sim when the entire commissioners office was unable to attend and run a sim for about a week

quicker seasons could help so either a consistent sim schedule would fix that or maybe have a double sim once a season like we did with 4/5 this year. 70% of the league year to year is typically not in serious contention so those GM's are just trying to get to the next draft or the next off season. Longer waits for that part of the league causes a dip in activity as they dont care about what is going on during the year

I bolded the one I think would make the biggest difference. Faster paced seasons as a whole could make a world of difference. If that includes 1 double sim a year, only 1 day of FA instead of 2, and less time inbetween sim days im all for it. For example sim 6 DC's only had like 8 DC posts despite us have 5 days to put one up. Most of us didnt because its sim 6 and we dont care what happens or didnt feel like posting "same" for the 3rd/4th straight time lol.


Well-known member
Releasing the draft earlier and getting some draft combine games might help. I always love looking at those games even if I'm not tanking.

I also think the commishes need to get back into a better sim schedule. Seems like no one is wanting to sim anymore and the sim days are unpredictable so people get restless. It just makes it seem like the commishes dont care much these days which sets a bad tone for the league. And I'm not trying to talk shit, I get that life gets busy and obviously real life comes first over sim league. I also greatly appreciate the time the commishes dedicate to this league.

Also, bring back Cloud. Groupme has gotten quieter without him. He was one of the best activity generators.


Staff member
Have sim 1 and sim 6 as live sims still to get people on top of things again. 6 straight sim and uploads I feel lowers activity since people don’t have to do anything besides post something like this to make an easy couple mill.


Active member
I think bringing in more exciting draft classes so there are Players to contend with top tier guys will def help. Big names always get everyone excited!