Sim 3 (S29)


Staff member
For $3.0M, who are the top 5 GMs in the league right now, provide a reasoning for each. Must be in order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).



Well-known member
1 Cloud - He is always active
2 Donkey - Great Commish
3 Pistons GM - We won a ship together
4 Spurs GM - I think he is good
5 Bulls GM - I think he is also good


1. Myself. Always be your biggest critic and your biggest fan
2. Panic. #1 member of the panic fan club checking in
3. JB. #MyCommish
4. GB. #MyGuy
5. Player. #MyCousin


Well-known member
1. Ebbs - dude has killed it this league. Has the most ships. Easy.
2. GB - I think he might have the second most ships in the league? He also put together that super team that was RJ, Cole, and I think AI?
3. Gabe - controversial pick but you can’t deny the amount of reg season wins gabe has. Only 1 ship but was always a contender.
4. Frank - built some great teams
5. JB - he’s a savvy GM that quietly gets shit done


Well-known member
1. Donkey - hate on his strategy all you want but it pioneered everyone copying him and it seems he always has 4-5 picks per draft while fielding a contender. He gets the edge over Ebbs because everyone copied him to a degree, even me. He’s the Billy Beane of BSL but with a ring.
2. Ebbs - Like Donkey, Ebbs copied his strategy recently to complete a quick rebuild that resulted in a new duo of Jones and Trimble. He’s got 6 rings. Rings talk.
3. Cloud - Can field a contender homegrown or through trading. Masterful GM. Great drafter
4. NC - Basically the same reasoning as Cloud, he is a guard whisperer and always discovers great guards
5. Justin - he came back and turned a bad bucks team into a champion and consistent contender.


Staff member
1. Cloud -- Overall has the best track record as a GM. Strategies continue to work well and he's a very good talent evaluator. Always has a good DC prepared and ready to go for postseason runs.

2. Myself -- Proved that I can win while having the advantages of being a commish and also while being a "regular GM". I like to think that I'm pretty good with player evaluations/trading and I mix it up in the playoffs with DCs. Consistently at the top, even if we don't win.

3. GB -- Always either in prime position to be in contention for a title or at the top of the lotto with tanking. Never in the middle, which is the worst spot as a GM. Very good team builder.

4. Ebbs -- He's really picked up the game the longer that he's done it. Got close with competing over the last league and has blossomed this league as far as always putting an elite team out there.

5. Gabe -- The pioneer of the run-and-gun system and the first person that I can remember to consistently use the 6th man/3rd option theory that has become prevalent for outside-oriented teams. His squad is always in a position to win a ton of games, and that's half the battle with how random FBB can be in the playoffs at times.


Well-known member
1 Ebbs Ring check my favorite term
2 Cloud- always can build a team through the draft or trades/FA
3- Cavs - always competitive wins a ton of games and ships
4 Curry #Mycousin
5- Donkey also like to ring check everyone. I’m not sure how this league is I’m brand new.


Well-known member
1) Cloud - League leader in all time ships.

2) Ebbs - Best GM this file probably

3) Frank - Built some amazing teams in NY

4) Gabe - Always makes the most of what hes got

5) NC - Been consistent; Some pretty great teams this file


Staff member
Ebbs - has always built powerhouses
Donkey - strategy has worked out very well throughout the league and has been adopted by other teams. Haven’t really seen that ever before.
cavs - builds consistent contenders
Cloud - does a good job at getting the most out of players and then flipping them for more than they are worth.
NC - knows what he’s doing


1. Ebbs - Dude has won a high rate (six ships) and continues to have competitive teams

2 Frank - New york has had some of the best teams to date.

3. Cloud - One of the most consistent GMs around. Great at rebuilding or contending you name it. And assists with the league.

4. GB - Great at building a championship contender when he needs to tank, and does a great job keeping the consistency when he is trying to sustain a long playoff run

5. Gabe - Keeps his teams in the playoffs almost every season. Model of Consistency


the best
Cloud - dude has the model for winning, he always gets his rings

cavsfan - also very good at the game, and he’s a likeable guy

ebbs - he was able to rig the shit out of RJ

Gb - fielded some of the best teams this league, he’s done a great job. He’s just in tank purgatory now.

Me - whenever I want to contend I usually put together a good team. I’d also put Gabe here since he’s a winner too.


Well-known member
1. Ebbs - Six rings this iteration is fantastic. Always has a good eye for talent, and is smart financially

2. Cloud - If it was all time I'd put him 1, but for this iteration he's slotted behind Ebbs. The initial Orlando rebuild was mad impressive

3. GB - Luckiest GM this file (i.e Dell Curry blow up, Rose / Fed pot boosting, other boosts, lucky opponent injuries in playoffs, lotto jumps, etc) but he didn't fumble any of those situations and that takes some skill for sure. Knows how to rebuild, draft, and is tough in trade negotiations.

4. Cavs - What he has done in Milwaukee has been surprising, never expected to see them get a ring tbh. Great at evaluating talent and setting DC's

5. NC - Anybody who has a branded draft scouting service deserves to be in the top 5 for marketing purposes alone. My 2033 ring will probably be my favorite ship of all time in BSL

HM. Donkey has been great this iteration as well, 2-2 in finals appearances. Started the hoarding picks movement. Would be in my top 5 if it wasnt for the 20+ season streak of tanking lol


Staff member
For me there's a tier of 7 GMs at the top and I'd feel comfortable including all of them in this list

1. Ebbs - He wins pretty much effortlessly. Tons of rings and a really impressive (fast) rebuild recently

2. Cloud - He knows FBB in and out, and is always fleecing everyone in trades

3. Donkey - The Sam Hinkie of the league. He basically broke FBB with his tanking strategy and now people just copy him. He could also win way more if he wasn't trolling or fucking around half the time

4. Justin - I've been super impressed with what he's done with the Bucks team he inherited recently - I thought they were in a really bad spot and he churned out multiple contenders and even won a ring

5. NC - Gotta give him props for all the impressive scouting he does and fleecing me on that Hayes deal and building a really nice contending team of late. Another guy who knows FBB really well

HM: GB, Gabe


Well-known member
1 - jon - definitely the greatest co gm ever
2 - ebbs - has the file
3donks - has the file
4 frank - has the file
5 cloud - gets a lot of info from 2-4


Well-known member
1. J. Ebbs in this league given the powerhouse he built through multiple seasons
2. Frank Ebbs. definitely built an amazing team in NYK. some of the best teams in BSL history
3. NC. including this one, I'd say NC knows how FBB works and builds a contender when he wants to
4. Cloud. one of the top GMs, but has not produced as much championships as his knowledge should lead to. I'm sure he will build up to a top team again
5. Donkey. multiple ships and knows how fbb works