1. Ebbs - Six rings this iteration is fantastic. Always has a good eye for talent, and is smart financially
2. Cloud - If it was all time I'd put him 1, but for this iteration he's slotted behind Ebbs. The initial Orlando rebuild was mad impressive
3. GB - Luckiest GM this file (i.e Dell Curry blow up, Rose / Fed pot boosting, other boosts, lucky opponent injuries in playoffs, lotto jumps, etc) but he didn't fumble any of those situations and that takes some skill for sure. Knows how to rebuild, draft, and is tough in trade negotiations.
4. Cavs - What he has done in Milwaukee has been surprising, never expected to see them get a ring tbh. Great at evaluating talent and setting DC's
5. NC - Anybody who has a branded draft scouting service deserves to be in the top 5 for marketing purposes alone. My 2033 ring will probably be my favorite ship of all time in BSL
HM. Donkey has been great this iteration as well, 2-2 in finals appearances. Started the hoarding picks movement. Would be in my top 5 if it wasnt for the 20+ season streak of tanking lol