Sim 2 S&U


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For 3M.

Name the top 3 most underachieving teams in the past 3 seasons and why you feel that way.

Bonus 1M to NC for the idea in SIM 1 thread.


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1. Kings, always had a really solid roster, elite bigs and an elite guard. Tossed early in the playoffs. FBB bad luck.
2. Celtics, DYOP, Melo pre death, and Kuminga should net a little more than it did.
3. Pacers, Hayes+Cassius+both Walkers = not much apparently.


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1. Nuggets - that giannis team not winning it all is an embarrassment and he’s had a couple other really awesome teams tailor made to his liking and fell short every time

2. Boston - had one of the best backcourts in the game with an elite big man and another great big in Allen to compliment Kuminga but failed to cash in on Bates and develop a bench and that cost them dearly

3. Nets - had Zion for several years with Pat Baldwin and Ingram and some other nice pieces and just never really went all the way in to get over the hump. Had one nice run and then tore it down

The Godfather

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1. Nuggets- just a terrible year in and year out of mediocre teams that win in the regular season but do nothing in the playoffs-- not just the last 3 yrs -- I think the entire duration of the league (since the restart) is like a team in the MUD... Going 100 miles an hour yet getting nowhere

2. Bulls- What happened to this team? They had a 10 yr + domination foundation, now is just a matter of do they make it to rd 2? Do they get to rd 3?... Before it was who is meeting them in the Finals

3. Nets- They were right there, and then just stood still as Frankie Ebbs and his Knicks WENT FOR IT! and destroyed any chance GB had of, at least getting to the finals.


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1. Celtics. Having lamelo and Kuminga in his prime alongside Allen had one of the better solid cores. Emoni was a spec that they could have cashed in on him for a win now piece but kept hanging on so now he’s a LOFA.

2. Nets. Scott did a great job of drafting and then trading for arguably best duo (until recent Bulls) in Zion and PBJ. He also had Ingram. You can slap on any okay Pg and that team should make dee playoff runs consistently

3. nuggets are a regular season juggernaut. They have the typical board and defend big men alongside outside scorers surrounding them. One downside is that they can’t make a playoff run consistently


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1. Bulls - With RJ Barrett, you'd think they'd have a lot more rings. Early on they were dominant in the playoffs, recently they've fell off. Things may change this year with Maxey in town.

2. Nuggets - Been the #1 seed 2 out of the 3 years and bounced out early in the playoffs both times. The year with Giannis they were heavy favorites and last year they were heavy favorites with the scorers/bigs they had.

3. Nets - A team with Suggs/Ingram/Baldwin/Zion/Goga somehow didn't win it all. A year before Lecque/Mitchell/Baldin/Zion. Last year Suggs/Baldwin/Zion/Bojan didn't make it very far. All 3 years 50+ wins.


1. Bulls - Any team with RJ should be the favorite to win a title on a consistent basis. However, ebbs retooling consistently had something to do with the team not advancing that far in the playoffs and things should be different now with Maxey

2. Nets - This team was so frustrating that it made Scott trade Zion. But it wasn’t as much of an underachiever as it was a team that just got really unlucky to run into powerhouses in the East over and over. You’d think that team would have broken through and made a Finals appearance at least once with the way it was constructed

3. Wizards - I won’t put them high on the list because I think their title is coming soon this season, but gotta at least throw them in there just for the typical “can’t win with 2 top 5 players on the file”. That said, it was their first chance and many super teams didn’t win their first chance either so I’m not really worried


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1) Wizards - The fact they havent won at least one ring already is a little surprising. That being said, they are set up for a long stretch of dominance so rings should be coming soon.

2) Celtics - That roster should have been able to do more with what they had. Bates really held them back when he probably should have been cashed in for a big piece.

3) Pelicans - Obviously I mean 50 wins last year for a 60 win team. We are not worthy.


3) Nuggets - Gabes teams continue their trend of getting knocked out early. Like the wizards though, they are in a good spot to contend for a long time...if he ever gets under the hard cap...


Well-known member
not sure why people are whining about the nugs - injuries and quick sims did us in
1)knicks - can't believe their window was that short.

2) Celtics - I thought they were in a great situation for awhile.

3) Pelicans - if one would just go by henny's hyping they win every year lol.


Your Moms Favorite GM
People answering wiz obv didn’t read the question lol

1- bulls - Barrett should be in the finals every year

2 - nuggets- good teams every year in the reg season... and that’s it

3 - cavs- have had a solid little group together for a few years now and haven’t taken a step forward yet.


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1: Nets - Feel like we have been waiting for them to take that next step for 3-4 years now

2: Bulls - Rj Barrett should be in the finals every season and should have 4...especially with the way Ebbs has been able to fleece people for talent around him

3: Nuggets - Greeme ball might be dead.. heard it here first, no chance greeme ball wins a ring this iteration of BSL


Staff member
1. Nets - Scott is a bum
2. Bulls - RJ Barrett is a bum and therefore their GM is a bum
3. Nuggets - Fuck Jon


Buy a ticket, take the ride
1. Bulls - should have won way more than they did with what they had
2. Nuggets - Gabe had some great teams that crashed out of the playoffs
3. Knicks - Seemed like they should have kept their team together longer and tried some different things