Sim 1 (S29)

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Staff member
For $3M, generate at least one thoughtful idea or engage in discussion on an alternative to coaching that is beneficial to all.

It will be up to player to decide if you've done enough to earn your $3M.


Well-known member
Forever DLeague is the answer to that problem. If you want to improve your player, put him in the DLeague. Player goes to the IR, but he gets boosts. It will be up to the GM if he or she is willing to lose the player for half a season or full season. E.g. if Kemba goes half a season, you risk losing games and might not make it to the playoffs. But if you make it to the playoffs with some boosts to Kemba, it might pay off.


Well-known member
Forever DLeague is the answer to that problem. If you want to improve your player, put him in the DLeague. Player goes to the IR, but he gets boosts. It will be up to the GM if he or she is willing to lose the player for half a season or full season. E.g. if Kemba goes half a season, you risk losing games and might not make it to the playoffs. But if you make it to the playoffs with some boosts to Kemba, it might pay off.
That is so dumb. But you get credit for actually giving an answer


Honestly just start prospects in with better bases and more potential, let the game dictate all improvement and rating changes. Plenty of leagues get by with no coaching feature, we can do it too. Severe fines like losing your coach or significant amount of money for messing up coaching would get people more accountable


Well-known member
The main issue with coaching is when someone tries to coach a guy in back-to-back years. If coaching was kept, an illegal use of a coach could just mean that the boost is taken away and essentially wasted. As long as coaching is kept up to date, it will give people more of a reason to check who was coached the previous year, instead of turning their 10 boost coach into an 8 boost coach.

An alternative to coaching could just be how summer league is for 2nd year players, and we could apply that to vets as well


Well-known member
I think a a decent alternative would be that all players on their rookie contract can get +4 added to any attribute(+2 max to any 1 category per year). Maybe each team can pick 2 players per year(non-rookie deals) to give a +2 boost to. Nothing to record and keep track of this way.


Eliminate coaching all together. Let the file do its thing. It’s kinda crazy that people get all huffy (catdude) when this is suggested. It’s a pain to organize for cloud and a pain to input/track. Just axe it.


Well-known member
Eliminate coaching all together. Let the file do its thing. It’s kinda crazy that people get all huffy (catdude) when this is suggested. It’s a pain to organize for cloud and a pain to input/track. Just axe it.
Yeah I tend to agree. The coaching doesn’t do much. It’s not something that makes a guy lol it’s nice to have but no big deal imo

The Godfather

Well-known member
Maybe a +10 $10mil... a +8 $8mil or a +6 for $6 mil.. cant use more than +3 on anyone attribute.. same rules no back to back yrs etc...can only use 1 attribute per player ..but could go from attributes to Potential and use all +10/+8 or +6) on one player as POT... in essence you become your own Coach ..and coach players on attribute you think would be best for that player


Well-known member
I would honestly just remove it. Coaching and summer league is where all the cheating and league altering errors come from. I would just turn it all off, eliminate cash, eliminate cutbacks, eliminate contract renegs. Eliminate having to post for cash and spam dumb answers. Sure it drives engagement in a very minimal and typically braindead way but if the forums are used to talk about the league and reply to any actual league oriented questions, I would probably answer that for fun anyway. Would make the league less demanding for GMs and Commish and overall a more fair playing field.


I would honestly just remove it. Coaching and summer league is where all the cheating and league altering errors come from. I would just turn it all off, eliminate cash, eliminate cutbacks, eliminate contract renegs. Eliminate having to post for cash and spam dumb answers. Sure it drives engagement in a very minimal and typically braindead way but if the forums are used to talk about the league and reply to any actual league oriented questions, I would probably answer that for fun anyway. Would make the league less demanding for GMs and Commish and overall a more fair playing field.
This is a great point that I didn’t consider. Coaching adds in an increased chance of misinputting attributes. Just end it.


Well-known member
I like the DLG/SLG/coach boosts that you can boost your players with, but I agree that it is tedious and there's room for error while inputting. I honestly think the DLG/SLG/coach are areas that can help any players to recover from a huge deficit. Big one I can think of is turnovers and boosting handles every other year to salvage something unplayable. Instead of coaching, making everyone pay X amount of cash like 5M for +2 attribute +2 potential so we can utilize cash in some way other than CBs


Staff member
This requires a lot of effort and is maybe unrealistic, but a web app do manage a lot of player activity/attributes could help. It could be used beyond coaching as well, as basic validation that actions are allowed (like checking against a database to see when a player was last coached, or reneged or something like that).

beyond that, we should start having fines for illegal activity like double coaching or stealing someone else’s coach


Staff member
This requires a lot of effort and is maybe unrealistic, but a web app do manage a lot of player activity/attributes could help. It could be used beyond coaching as well, as basic validation that actions are allowed (like checking against a database to see when a player was last coached, or reneged or something like that).

beyond that, we should start having fines for illegal activity like double coaching or stealing someone else’s coach
Anyone smart enough for something like this?


Well-known member
Just cancel coaching if it’s too much work. If not you’re gonna have to fine people and then follow them around to make sure they pay the fine lol. SL and DL enough boosts. Not gonna make or break players either way lol


Staff member
Anyone smart enough for something like this?
I code for a living but I’m incredibly lazy. I’m pretty sure Donk or brooks could also figure it out, but it’s quite a bit of effort. I’m not sure if it’s easy to export the fbb file to a database or something like that


the best
didnt know coaching was such a huge issue.

Maybe it'd be easier to just limit a player to SL, DL, and then allow a player be camped for 5M to add +2 to an attribute every other offseason.


Well-known member
Staff member
I code for a living but I’m incredibly lazy. I’m pretty sure Donk or brooks could also figure it out, but it’s quite a bit of effort. I’m not sure if it’s easy to export the fbb file to a database or something like that
I work in business applications and have made power apps before


Well-known member
Staff member
I would probably look at doing something like a veteran mentorship that comes with signing certain players similar to it would be if you brought in an established vet to your locker room in real life. If you sign Chris Paul it comes with +2 passing it handles or whatever you want and that way it also helps alleviate some tanking because you can’t just gut your roster to tank you need vets to help develop players

A coach to me is more about what type of gameplan you run whether inside or outside or balanced and the defensive settings and pace, it’s more about the system they bring, development is more staff and learning from other players tbh


Well-known member
I wouldn’t hate a reward system where GM performance was the coaching bonus.

consecutive years in the playoffs leading to bigger +s each year.

like everyone gets: +2 pot and +2 attribute boosts to start.

Every year you make playoffs consecutively you get a +1.

following a title you get +3

Or something in that space.
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