S21 Sim 5 S&U


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Worked at a movie theater as a projectionist and usher. Fun watching free movies, dating girls who worked there ,and getting free popcorn. What’s better than that?


Well-known member
My first job was a delivery driver assistant for a huge corporation known as SYSCO. For me at the time it was awesome. A young kid in high school (this was a summer job) would be able to party and stay out. Get up at like 3-4 am go to work, be done with work by usually 1-2 in the afternoon and have the rest of the day to do whatever. I honestly enjoyed it.


Well-known member
Haagen dazs
It was fun but they had all these rules about. How much the icre cream should weigh etc. At least 2 girls quit crying when they got yelled at for giving too much ice cream to the customers. I was the master of the hollow ice cream scoop so it looked like I have people a lot but I had a freakish talent for always getting it to weigh the right amount


Well-known member
Worked at a Tractor Museum for a summer when i was 12. it was in a small town and I stayed with some family out there. It was pretty fun and really not much work, was mostly there to spend the summer with my cousins


Worked at a credit union, I loved it there. Great group of employees from the management down. Had to learn a bunch of regulations and crap but it was a good experience. The homies Gabe and Eric took me under their wing. The only downside was the morons cursing you out because they don't know how to manage their money. But for the most part most of the members were nice people. I changed my mind the worst was some guy named David who smells like moldy cat piss and body odor. One of our tellers gagged every time that dude came in, even when she was across the Teller line

The Godfather

Well-known member
I won't count my youth family ones

After 18... While at USC I got paid $30/HR to ride around campus and do lite maintanance on the many elevators there.. A glorified "jock" summer job.. Otherwise when I first graduated from SC and was looking for modeling and acting gigs in LA..i got a job at the Santa Monica Improv as a bouncer and sometimes MC /Standup..it was cool as he'll celebs would slip me a $100 bill to get a VIP up close table.. I would make $300 easy a night on tios Fri-Sun and like $150 M-Th.. Plus my $8/HR wage.. $100 when I MC'd and $35 when I did standup.. I work with Tom Hanks Bro who was a waiter.. Some of the reg comedians who were all starving actors at the time.. Adam Sadler /Jim Carey/Tom Arnold /Dana Garvey/ the other dude that looks like Dana/Negron(big time comedy writer now) and others .. Good times


Well-known member
I worked for a catering company when I was like 12-15. It was a lot of fun. Met a lot of ladies and my best bud at the time worked with me so we snuck beers and got to mess around the whole time lmao.


Indiana Pacers GM
I used to drive Lincolns from dealer to dealer if dealers ever needed to do a dealer trade. Was dope. Id get real high


Well-known member
I worked in the office of a pretty small training facility (for all athletes but they had hockey treadmills too so a lot of that), just answered any random calls/took payments at front window/cleaned the place and so on mostly things trainers didn't wanna do or have time for. I liked the people there and it was good experience overall.


Mavericks GM
KFC. I think Tyler’s first job was at the same one with me. Similar to Beats, we got real high.


Well-known member
First job where I got paid was graphic design shit for my school's athletic dept. Mainly did basketball stuff and made gameday posters that supposedly were shown across campus but I lived off campus and never saw them anywhere lol. Made a t-shirt that was a giveaway for the home opener which was dope.


Well-known member
I worked at a beach hotel in Santa Monica, CA called The Hotel California (no relation to the song). I worked the front desk for about a year and a half. It was pretty dope because it was such a small hotel so I got to do a lot. Plus on the weekends it was only me and the housekeeping staff at the hotel (manager didn’t work weekends). I’d take naps in the rooms after checkouts.


Worked at Hannaford as a produce associate. it was alright. Luckily i was in a fast moving store so we werent standing still alot


Well-known member
honestly my first job was working as a supply teacher for the school board I was in for 4 years, then I applied to best buy and rose up the ranks and honestly prefer it.


Your Moms Favorite GM
I bussed tables and bar backed in high school. It was alright for some weekend money. I ate so many rolls and drank so much soda and grenadine


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Staff member
Drug dealing if we’re going to be technical here but first job that required a W-2 was Costco as a Front End Assistant. Basically I was the utility player / Swiss Army knife. Sometimes I would be out in the snow bringing all the shopping carts in and almost getting hit by cars and people being assholes, sometimes I would be boxing up everyone’s purchases, sometimes I pitched membership upgrade sales, and then I closed every night I worked so I had to clean a bunch and like take inventory and fix up all the aisles and pull boxes forward and shit. It paid well for a first job and I met Rik Smits and Trent Richardson from there, but the leadership were really unnecessarily tough and over-bearing so it burnt me out and I’ve never been back to a Costco since.


Staff member
I did research at a microbiology lab the summer before my junior year in high school. I didn't get paid though if that's relevant. My boss/mentor during the internship was super chill though. In addition to a microbio project in the lab that was mainly just working with pipettes and centrifuges, I'd watch the FIFA world cup and play starcraft. with him and some of the grad student researchers. And there was a girl interning too and we'd always get yelled at for putting dry ice in centrifuge tubes (they explode, in a relatively safe manner) in each others pockets or around the lab lol


Staff member
First job was actually at a Hot Dog place because my parents knew the owner, and it only lasted a day, the place in general only lasted a couple months. It was a failure.

But the one I actually count would be working at Six Flags, and I worked in retail there. Good summer job when I wasn't in school, and of all the positions at a theme park, retail is definitely the one you want to be in. Having to deal with customers sucks though, people are assholes especially when it's hot out, people are miserable.