Preseason - 3M
Sim 1 - 3M
Sim 2 - 3M
Sim 3 - 3M
Sim 4 - 4M
Sim 5 - 3M
Sim 6 - 7.25M
Playoffs - 5M
Draft - 5M
Missing no more than 1 DC in season. - 1M
Making the Playoffs. - 0.25M
Making the Second Round. - 0.25M
Making Conference Finals. - 0.25M
Player winning MVP. - 1M
40+ win season. - 0.25M
50+ win season. - 0.25M
Player making All-Team, All-Defensive, and/or All-Rookie teams. Kemba - 0.25M
Any all star weekend event participant (All star, 3pt shootout, dunk contest, rookies vs. sophs, etc) Kemba 3pt - 0.25M
Any all star weekend event participant (All star, 3pt shootout, dunk contest, rookies vs. sophs, etc) Kemba ASG - 0.25M
Any all star weekend winner (ONLY these: 3pt shootout, dunk contest, rookie vs. soph MVP, all star game MVP) Kemba 3pt- 0.50M