Search results

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    S31 S4

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    Sim 3 (S31)

    I spent new years alone at home this year
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    S31 S3

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    Sim 1 (S31)

    1. Larry Bird - Best prospect we have seen in a while, looks like a legit stud 2. Mario Ihring - Looks great ratings wise just needs to grow into it a little and up that volume some 3. Ludovic Beyhurt - My biggest regret from my tank is not taking him (not instead of Mario but with him), he...
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    S31 S2

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    S31 S1

    Laimbeer/Ebron/Kaufman Humphrey/Ebron/Leaks Gytis/Clark/Wright Mario/Wright/Simon Melo/Mario/Seth Allen IR 1. Caleb 2. Pongo 1. Melo 2. Gytis 3. Mario Pace: Very Fast Press: Often Trap: Sometimes Focus: Outside
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    Panic! Pistons Bank

    38.7 +5 mil draft -4.25 mil coach bickerstaff 39.45
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    S31 Pre

    Laimbeer/Kaufman/Humphrey Ebron/Leaks/Clark Gytis/Clark/Wright Mario/Caleb/Wright Seth Allen/Mario/Simon IR 1. Melo 2. Pongo 1. Mario Ihring 2. Gytis 3. Roy Ebron Pace: Fast Press: Often Trap: Sometimes Focus: Outside
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    Cut/Extend 2nd Rounders

    Pistons cut Sandro Mamukelashvili
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    Panic! Pistons Changes

    Please move Mario Ihring to SG
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Not sure I can really make a big enough push yet but should be competitive
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Excited for tc, need Mario especially to take a big step forward. Bill taking another one too would be nice.
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Think they can play at least
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    I don’t think my depth will be that impactful but it was cheap
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Not that bad of a fa given my situation
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Ok I’ll take it, might have overpaid a little but I was hoping to keep my bigs. I got a few depth pieces too for the backcourt.
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Makin some more noise
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Ok starting off hot lol
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    Free Agency Live (S30)

    Go pistons