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    Kings - Wizards

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    S14 Summer League

    Samuele Podesta +1 Inside +1 Strength +1 Post D +1 Potential Stephen Pelfolker +1 Inside +1 Jump Shot +1 Three Point Shot +1 Quickness +1 Per D +2 Potential
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    Wizards Bank

    -10M (SL) 2.8M
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    Wizards Bank

    +5M (2037 draft) 12.8M
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    Cut/Extend 2nd Rounders

    Free cut Tory Rice
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    2037 Draft

    Stephen Pelfolker
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    Wizards / Clippers

    Wizards Trade Brandon Davis Clippers Trade 2038 76ers 1st (w/ Heat swap rights) 2038 Clippers 1st 2039 Clippers 1st swap rights (w/ Wizards) 2040 Clippers 1st
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Maybe hoop is right and Buie > Bryce
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    he’s crazy too but at least there’s other guys on the file who can do similar things
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Retiree time soon
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Gap between Bryce/Clyde is bigger than Bryce and like the 10th best player in the league
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Man needs to retire to give everyone else a shot
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Clyde is crazy
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Took bucks to 6 that’s better than I expected
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Still probably getting swept
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    Playoffs Live (S14)

    Got my DC in 2 minutes ago lol
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    S14 Sim6

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    Willie Reed

    Off, this is illegal
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    Taylor Hanson

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    Willie Reed
