Sim 5 (S15)

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For $3.0M, who are the bottom 5 GMs in the league in why?



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25. Panic - Has yet to actually build a true contender. Has a 39-46 playoff record.
26. Foreman - Yeah he's made the playoffs 10/14 possible times, but with a record of 24-45 it's almost a waste to be making the playoffs
27. Larry - He's new, but it seems almost difficult to have wasted LeBron up until this point.
28. Jason - He hasn't been the Pistons GM since the start, but hard to ignore the lack of success and questionable moves up to this point.
29. Hokey - Of the first 14 playoff seasons, the Raptors have been a part of two of them and won a total of 2 games.


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Pistons - Jason is my guy but he's new. No shame in taking some lumps when you first learn FBB though.
Raptors - Caught in between competing and contending. Last place you want to be. Does have 2 sick young players though
Nuggets - Peaking as like a 5 seed and it's really all downhill from here with only Deron Williams to build around. Just don't see them getting to a title level
Hawks - I was envious of the Lopez / Roy / Collison rookie deals while also having Iverson and whoever else Player had when I first joined. 2 seasons later and I wouldn't trade places with the Hawks. That's severe mismanagement on his part
Lakers - Got Milsap in my KD draft who ended up better than KD. Got Gordon in the draft I traded out of the next year, who would have been my pick at 6. So essentially was in the same spot as me, but better. Turned that into a 27-40 team, and still rashing my Chandler for *Reggie Jackson* trade. Poor management. Should have traded me AI and JJ too


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5. Jason - same reason as everyone else, pushed his chips in way too early, no foundation or direction, but he will figure it out.

4. Larry - same as Jason but worse because he has the best piece but won’t do anything to improve his roster

3. Panic - literally have no idea what he tries to do most the time

2. Hokey - just be active, do stuff, this is all the same tier(2,3,4)

1. NC - KG only has 1 ring. SMH bro


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5- Larry- Doesn’t really kno how to build a team. Still new tho. So maybe he can learn. Having Lebron is huge
4- Jason also new. Not sure what his plan was but not having his own pick for a while with just really vuce is uh tough.
3- panic. He blows. Doesn’t know how to do anything. Tanks picks a teen try’s to win for 3 years sucks and then flips that teen for garbage picks. Trashcan
2- hokey. Dude isn’t active. He just don’t know what direction to be in. Such a shame.
1- Daulten Guy really traded the best prospect the league has seen for a 1 year window. Won 1 ring then dealt dirkfor trash. Ak The guy he got for dirk for picks. Got lucky to jump and grab harden or he’d really be going nowhere. Such a shame. Good job getting that one right tho.


5 - Brad/Sam (AKA: ME) - Never puts together a contender and never tanks. Stays in the middle. Will have my picks after next season. Will I tank or look to move them to be an average squad once again? I guess only time will tell.
4 - Jason - He will figure it out and make the right moves as he gets more experience. If not, then he will turn into me.
3 - Hokey - With Chandler and Matthews he has two really good wings. But his inactivity to put pieces around them and just lack of playoffs appearances hurts.
2 - Larry - He has Lebron, the best player in the league, but hasn't been around to put the pieces around him to win. Getting a point guard would be a good idea.
1 - Panic - He is constantly tanking and retanking and tanking again.


1. Hokey. He's bad. Afraid to make moves. Afraid to do anything really.
2. Jason. Tried offering some help when he joined, but then completely went off the rails after get got value in the Noah trade. He's got a massive hole to climb out.
3. Larry. Doesn't understand the game and has latched onto G9, which is good. Needs to get players around LeBron asap or just move him.
6. Panic. tanks non stop. Super fucking annoying. Should probably be #1.
5. RunSoHard (aka Nate, aka sheepman, aka hick, aka DumbSoHard) - Nate went all in without securing more than one asset. Rough go of it.

HM: Me.


Your Moms Favorite GM
1 Larry - I get he’s new but Lebron should be a 1-3 seed every year by himself basically. Some minor moves even would be fine.
2 Hokey - is very indecisive, seems content in the middle. Usually has some decent pieces and young guys but never cashed in.
3 Henry - used to actually be solid and get some decent teams out there but he’s really fallen off. Building around dwill and boozer is awful
4 Jason - I think he’ll be fine because he seems open to learning on the go and takes the criticism well but still really new. Needs to learn to pick a direction and have goals
5 panic just stinks generally and I couldn’t leave him off the list

The Godfather

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5. Hokey- has drafted well lately and hopefully finds a way to turn his fortunes into a ship
4. PANIC- This version of Panic is not a good version
3. Player- I mean he says and acts like he knows what he is doing ..he doesn't
2. Nate- If this was a Wool league he'd be The Goat.Its not and that makes him a Sheep here
1. Jason- no offense ..he is learning just keep drafting well and stop making bad trades brother.. you will move up the tankings fast


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Larry - Yeah I mean nothing to add that hasn’t already been said here but like there’s zero initiative here, has had glaring holes for years and has never really done anything about them, doesn’t use a coach on the best player in the league etc. It’s just all bad
Nate - Went all in on what’s really just not a very good team. Pushed chips in for a 34 year old Iverson. Moved assets for Korver and Deng. The pieces don’t even fit together despite the timeline making zero sense. Just totally fumbled the bag on a really promising young Lakers team. Also needs to be more active in free agency and off-season moves to build up an asset base, that applies to all of these guys though.
Foreman - Too conservative, pays mediocre players and holds them for far too long, doesn’t really capitalize on anyone or put together good teams. Needs to just truly bottom out and commit to a tank because he doesn’t have the pieces to build / trade to get to the next level. Middling is the worst thing you can do.
Brad - Never has direction, never patient enough to stick to a plan whenever there is one, no real good teams ever, never sticks to rebuilding, just all over the place at all times
SoftLettuce - New, needs to learn and be patient, not get so caught up in name value


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5. Hokey- has drafted well lately and hopefully finds a way to turn his fortunes into a ship
4. PANIC- This version of Panic is not a good version
3. Player- I mean he says and acts like he knows what he is doing ..he doesn't
2. Nate- If this was a Wool league he'd be The Goat.Its not and that makes him a Sheep here
1. Jason- no offense ..he is learning just keep drafting well and stop making bad trades brother.. you will move up the tankings fast
Lol moron


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Nate - I thought Lakers were looking pretty good to start the rebuild, then he decided to use last years pick etc. for meh pieces. Didn't make sense to buy older pieces etc. like he did.

Panic - I took over his Pistons team last iteration, they had been middling for years and years (probably trying to tank for a teen). He had talent just wasn't really making moves, when I sold off I got enough to eventually buy Julius/Dell. He sometimes will get lucky and have decent players but he simply tanks, doesn't make moves around the teens he drafted, retanks over and over it seems.

Hokey - He just isn't very active. Always in the middle but doesn't make trades or even really respond to everyone it seems. Not sure he ever really has a plan or direction.

Larry - He's new but as is noted Lebron is being wasted in Dallas to this point. Needs to make some big moves/additions or at least cash in on Lebron.

Jason - He is very new so probably unfair to even rank him yet as he is still learning. Can't trade your picks without having legit talent already on the roster.
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Nate: traded assets for Iverson after prime years have passed. I'm not too high on Deng and Korver either. Milsap is the one shining star on that team

Panic: just due to the nature of drafting teens and waiting until they boost or have huge TCs, his GM style is based on luck. It hasn't worked him yet

Hokey - has been tanking for some time. He did draft well with Chandler/Davis. However, he rarely makes trades or tries to make moves during offseason/FAs. One thing is Davis leaving is not his fault

Larry - being new but still having LeBron and not coaching him is more carelessness than not knowing FBB. he can ask almost anyone for advice and he can be competitive with LeBron on his team

Brad: hate to say it but often is too impatient to tank. always wants to compete but ends up trading for players who are past their primes. we had a chat about him trying tanking hard for 3-4 seasons and draft high lotto players, but he decided to trade for Hedo


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1) Larry - very clearly the worst GM. I don’t even know if he’s involved. G9 had to pull up his pants.

2) Hokey - I gave him tips for like 15 seasons, he’s still going to cloud, he’s been here long enough to have a grasp of this but doesn’t somehow.

3) Panic - drafting teens and then resetting when they don’t all boost isn’t a viable strategy.

4) Nate for a guy who ran a league, he sure seems to struggle.

5) Foreman. Exactly what cloud said.


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Cloud - started the league with Shaq, Penny, and Grant Hill. ONLY ONE RING

NC - started with KG, only ONE RING

User - started with MJ and only has ONE RING

G9 - quits on his team when he fails, comes back as a co gm because of commitment and confidence issues

Gopher - had Kobe and Pierce and ONLY ONE RING


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1) Larry - Wasting LeBron makes him #1 for me, even though other GMs have made more actively bad moves

2) Panic - I've seen him do better in previous iterations, maybe partly due to TC luck, but I think he's been tanking almost this entire iteration and doesn't have a ton to show for it

3) Nate - The rebuild looked solid for a minute, but now the Lakers are still not playoff contenders and don't have a lot of their futures

4) Jason - He's learning and will quickly move up these rankings given his activity, but he moved too many picks too early

5) Hokey - He just hasn't been active enough this iteration and his team has been mostly middling - but he does have some talent on the roster


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1) Me - I'm just getting back in and I didnt have much success prior to leaving, other than with the Bucks which doesnt really count because g9 did most of the work.

2) Jason - Because hes brand new, no other reason than that really just needs to work his way up the ranks

3) Daulten - Traded 88 pot Melo for old man Shaq so he could maybe get one ring which he was lucky to get. Also is fat.

4) Panic - Hasnt really had any success with the Grizz even though he had Jermaine Oneal blow up into maybe the best big in the league

5) Hank - Always trades his picks to field a mediocre team instead of just biting the bullet for a few years to make a great team. Would be a lot higher in the rankings if he just committed to a tank


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1. Larry - He’s done nothing.
2. Nate - Honestly don’t remember him ever being competitive lol.
3. Hokey - Playing scared IMO. Gotta make moves but probably scared to get destroyed.
4 Panic -Relies on pot jumps, hasn’t done much in a long time.
5. Jason - only because he’s still fairly new.
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