Ty - always has seemed normal and rigging Bernard King to win 6MOTY is the most normal action of rigging.
Yrtb - seems like a normal guy who likes watching TV shows and going hiking.
Cloud - he's been able to take a punch from swaggy and has moved on with his life so a pretty normal action to me.... unless he's plotting something

Cheddar - he doesnt talk a lot in the chat but the only weird thing about talking with is the trade offers I send.
GB/Beats - best big men I've ever played with in 2k.
Henry - seems like the next time a woman looks at him wrong he's gonna go off.
Panic - we just wanna know what team you're involved with in real life and/or how did you make your bot to post in GroupMe?
Notail - never talks in the chat, I dont believe he reaches out to people for trades unless it's a select few, what's up with that?
Gabe/Daulten - Gabe, why would you hire daulten and then panic as your co? And Daulten, why were you ready for months to join back in the league any time you were tagged?
Ebbs - that Twitter following and your teaching are just a cover for something, isn't it? I really just couldn't think of anyone else