LukaSZN Well-known member Messages 6,388 Jul 7, 2020 #1 Rank these three actors for 3M Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon
BeatsHaveADream Indiana Pacers GM Messages 4,538 Jul 7, 2020 #3 Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Matt Damon
C Cheddar Well-known member Messages 856 Jul 7, 2020 #5 Would concur with User, all are solid but: 1. Pitt 2. Damon 3. Bale
G9. Mavericks GM Messages 6,355 Jul 7, 2020 #7 Bale/Pitt interchangeable for me. Loved Pitt in some roles but also loved Bale equally in others. then Damon. he’s like, dollar store Pitt, no?
Bale/Pitt interchangeable for me. Loved Pitt in some roles but also loved Bale equally in others. then Damon. he’s like, dollar store Pitt, no?
Y yrtb Wizards Staff member Messages 4,385 Jul 7, 2020 #8 1. Matt Damon 2. Christian Bale 3. Brad Pitt
cavsfan817 Moderator Staff member Moderator Messages 2,590 Jul 7, 2020 #15 My personal favorite list would go: Pitt, Damon, Bale But I think that in terms of acting quality it would be reversed and it would go: Bale, Damon, Pitt
My personal favorite list would go: Pitt, Damon, Bale But I think that in terms of acting quality it would be reversed and it would go: Bale, Damon, Pitt
Scott Administrator Staff member Administrator Messages 2,763 Jul 7, 2020 #16 Pitt Damon Bale It's no question for me
D dwightcoward Member Messages 632 Jul 7, 2020 #18 I think overall Brad Pitt is my favorite, NOBODY else could have played his roles in Snatch or Inglorious Basterds Matt Damon was really great in The Martian and The Departed I'm not a big fan of Christian Bale, except of course in The Dark Knight (but The Dark Knight Rises... bleh)
I think overall Brad Pitt is my favorite, NOBODY else could have played his roles in Snatch or Inglorious Basterds Matt Damon was really great in The Martian and The Departed I'm not a big fan of Christian Bale, except of course in The Dark Knight (but The Dark Knight Rises... bleh)
LukaSZN Well-known member Messages 6,388 Jul 7, 2020 #19 Lowkey, I think Bale is #1 here. Most oscar type roles and as good as Pitt is, so much of his thing is being devilishly handsome and charismatic. Damon definitely third IMO.
Lowkey, I think Bale is #1 here. Most oscar type roles and as good as Pitt is, so much of his thing is being devilishly handsome and charismatic. Damon definitely third IMO.