T the_jon Well-known member Messages 6,571 Sep 28, 2020 #221 Soft and fluffy man He is possibly insane Hennys steel wool pubes
T The Godfather Well-known member Messages 7,295 Sep 28, 2020 #224 I am making America Great again.. Let me harvest your ballots
AiRuPtHeRe™ Well-known member Messages 4,485 Sep 29, 2020 #225 The Man Who Is Shy Cannot Be Henny I See Lisa Is The Dream
Y yrtb Wizards Staff member Messages 4,385 Sep 29, 2020 #226 Hard to comprehend Our resident MAGA stan Osby is his bae (MAGA is two syllables the way I enunciate it)
Hard to comprehend Our resident MAGA stan Osby is his bae (MAGA is two syllables the way I enunciate it)
G Greeme Well-known member Messages 1,599 Sep 29, 2020 #227 Henny wake up now It's time to make the doughnuts Send me 5 doughnuts
G GB Your Moms Favorite GM Messages 6,181 Sep 29, 2020 #228 pelican G M The largest man in the sim Not smart rather dumb
C Catdude Well-known member Messages 2,438 Sep 29, 2020 #229 Hefty donut man He owns my pick in three years It will be no good
P Panic! Well-known member Messages 3,769 Sep 29, 2020 #230 Henny donut guy He puts ketchup in donuts Probably not good Sorry I know nothing about him aside from the donut with ketchup.
Henny donut guy He puts ketchup in donuts Probably not good Sorry I know nothing about him aside from the donut with ketchup.
Foreman Well-known member Messages 3,066 Sep 30, 2020 #232 Mister Silvestre, Why are you the way you are? Please stop showing legs.
LukaSZN Well-known member Messages 6,388 Sep 30, 2020 #233 not sure I know you or the man you claim to be Donut man, Maybe?