S21 Sim 4 S&U

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Well-known member
Luckiest GB because guys like Dell Curry, Eric Flor, and literally anyone else explodes under his watch.

Unluckiest is Curry as he can’t win the lottery and can’t sign any FA’s


Mavericks GM
Up until Flor it was pretty clearly GB lol. Mans has had some great TC action and FA action.

Unlucky is hard to tell. Some of us may seem unlucky, but we are really just shit and made huge mistakes.

Not a fan of my luck with three top 5 picks who maxed out at like 12 ppg each. Could have drafted better though I suppose.

Anybody who has had to fuck with injuries is super unlucky. Look at the Sonics this season. We've also seen other seasons derailed by injuries. I cannot imagine sporting a championship caliber team and sitting at 9th seed on day 80. I'd be fuming.


Well-known member
i could make a case for GB being luckiest because of AI and Dell. But I actually think Ebbs is luckiest. He fell into that RJ situation who just happened to explode into the goat, which no one saw coming. That set him up for a dynasty.

Unluckiest maybe G9? He’s had some bad drafting luck and also spent all of his future firsts and didn’t really have any way to get them back so he was just fucked for like 3 or 4 years straight. Gotta hand it to him tho because he stayed with it. I know some other GMs that woulda cried about it and quit.


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Staff member
Ebbs been pretty lucky, jumped in to the lotto a couple times and with Barrett he jumped and then Barrett boosted and became sensational and WCJ became unreal at the same time. I’d still maybe mean Wizards though but they’re 1 and 2.

My stint with the Clippers was absurdly unlucky, back to back drops from #1 projected to #4, just missing out on Zion, Cole and Barrett, and then Culver busting off the rip and McDaniels busting off the rip as well, trading for PG13 and him instantly dying, Jokic getting that massive injury for half the season and through the finals when we were defending the title and then donkey leaving Klay off of my playoff DCs, Ebbs leaving Skylar off my DC etc. Thinking back on all that it’s a miracle a championship came from that situation.


Your Moms Favorite GM
I’m so lucky it’s amazing I don’t win every year

everyone else is so unlucky they didn’t get to use me as a gm to get my lucky rabbits foot in their gm seat

stupid question


the best
GB got p lucky early on, and assembled some dope ass teams.
Foreman has had a couple #1 picks while being in the playoffs and still didn’t make it mean anything, so maybe he’s lucky but also very unlucky


Well-known member
Since I have been back I would say Celtics have been the luckiest. Landing the #2 pick twice (once being Gentile) and getting Flor in FA from Wizards has set them up incredibly well with their luck.

I think most have had their stretches of bad luck probably. I have never moved up in a BSL lotto but this file probably not as many tries as in some others. I will go with Atlanta as unluckiest since I have been back due to the RJ season and some factors that year (unlucky east schedule while some play west, unlucky injuries, unlucky point diff compared to record).


Well-known member
easily GB. ebbs panic celts in the last couple years also
i'm always the unluckiest in tc but fa has been ok and we are going to jump in the draft. it depends how you see luck. foreman jumped to 1 and ended up with morant. he would have been luckier if he ended up 2 or 3 lol


Well-known member
Donkey is lucky that the league didn't revolt against his shtick of trading out of MULTIPLE top picks just for more picks. In a real life scenario he is fired or ran out of town over his terribly flawed rebuild strategy.

Unlucky, I have to say Coldj was pretty unlucky with his Magic. Cole Anthony got shut down by Killian Hayes multiple years and it felt like someone got hurt and missed the playoffs for him every year lol. Cloud has had some bad luck as mentioned above, I've had similar bad luck with DC inputs, trades falling through, the whole RJ season, and other things as well lol. Most of us have bad luck tbh cause it's a game, so it makes it easier to notice the good luck guys have (i.e. GB)


Well-known member
I'd say GB, Ebbs and Celtics have had run of good luck in drafting well but also the players panning out as well which requires luck at the end of the day.

unlucky I'd say Brad with Heat and G9 is pretty unlucky as well given he drafted good prospects but they never developed through TCs


Well-known member
GB and Cheddar been really lucky with prospects

Unluckiest, idk G9 sucks at drafting, or anyone whos had major injuries de-rail their playoffs.
  • Haha
Reactions: G9.


GB for sure. Not to discount him because you have to pick the right prospects, you generally need a lot of skill to be lucky. Unless you are panic picking any random C C+ C+ C C- 18 year old with 75 pot.

Unlucky I'd say I had a good case at the beginning. G9 and cloud with the clippers also good answers. Also anyone that came into a dumb situation with no picks for a decade, curry comes to mind but doesn't have the longevity at this point


Well-known member
Luckiest: Ebbs probably with his run on players, he and GB have to be rivals for this. RJ and Rose have to be two of the better players at their positions in league history. Panic gets a mention just because he is always lucky

Unluckiest: Has to be current Lakers IMO. He was given a team that had no picks and no talent. That is just unlucky in itself.


Staff member
Luckiest: GB for the reasons everyone has touched on in relation to guys like Dell/Flor/Rose. But in recent history, I'd say the Celtics have been very lucky. Lotto luck has been very good to them, resulting in top 2 picks in three consecutive drafts.

Unluckiest: I've only been back for 5 seasons so I don't have too much insight here, but Curry has been really unlucky. He started with a shit team with no talent, and has now gotten fucked in the lotto back to back years dropping to #4 after being projected #1. He could easily have Jones/Barrett or Jones/Hill instead of Tokoto/futures


Well-known member
Luckiest: Cloud, his friendships in the league constantly see him getting friendly discounts in deals.

Unluckiest: GB, the only person to lose a good free agent this league after maxing them.


Well-known member
Consensus on the luckiest. GB still a great GM.

Unluckily is probably Denver. Never could get over the hump in the playoffs except the one year, and always have shit TC


Well-known member
Luckiest - Panic, somehow even though his draft picks look like garbage they become good. However, then he trades it away for nothing.

Unluckiest - Current Lakers GM just for the way things have turned out for him so far.


Well-known member
If panic was here, he’d be my top vote but I’ll vote for GB instead who’s had some good draft luck/TC.

unlucky - how about me?! I still don’t have a damn ring after many many seasons lol . My two finals appearances this league I had to go up against Cole and RJ smh
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