S18 Pre-Season Power Rankings (East)


Pistons GM
Pre-Season Power Rankings: Eastern Conference Top 10.

NC, G9.


NC: I want to see the Inside Pacers succeed. They acquired the greatest player in BSL history who just carried the Jazz to a finals victory. I think Indiana’s supporting cast is much better than what RJ had in Utah, so the Pacers are easily the favorites in the East in my opinion.

G9: Last season we watched R.J. carry the Utah Jazz to a Finals victory and take home his 7th Championship in 16 seasons. At 35 years old, you'd think he would be slowing down by now? The Pacers have successfully surrounded the best player in the league with the best pure point guard in the league and one of the top power forwards in the league. The intensity of this Big 3 exceeds any other Big 3 in NBA history. If the Pacers don't win the East this year ...


NC: I might be biased here but I love the duo of Pinero and Barnes. Atlanta has two established point guards in Skylar Mays and Keeshawn Barthelemy, and they also improved their frontcourt this season by signing Jerry Lucas. Assuming they can avoid the disastrous injuries they dealt with last year, they should be in the conversation for top dog in the East.

G9: I let NC do the rankings this time around as I haven't been in the competitive scene in a while. I suppose if he says his Hawks team is the 2nd best team in the East, they must be? Pinero, Barnes, and Barthelemy did look pretty nasty together in Pre-Season. A trio like that is certainly capable of winning any seven-game series. The support cast of Lucas, Zion, O'Neal, and Sanders is nothing to scoff at.



NC: I know AI is talked about often, but I feel like he is still one of the most underrated players in the league. This would be his league if Maxey/Cole/RJ would just die/retire already. I’d be interested to see how a AI/Dell/Powell/Murray/Dain DC would work for them, but whatever they ran in the pre season seemed to work pretty well also.

G9: I know Dell is talked about often, but I feel like he is still one of the most underrated players in the league. This would be his league if Maxey/Cole/RJ/AI would just die/retire already. Man, I remember discussing with Monta whether the Timberwolves should bid >20M on Dell... whoops. I'm starting to see that NC may have been biased with the Hawks at 2. I'm not sure how you slow down AI/Curry more effectively than they slow you down.



NC: After falling in round one of the playoffs last year, the Bulls snatched up Cole Anthony and are looking for payback. Nash and Cole will be a nasty duo and Rose will hold down the frontcourt.

G9: Fuuuck. RJ/Maxey. Keeshawn/Barnes. Curry/AI. Cole/Nash. These top 4 teams are going to have dog fights in the playoffs. It will be interesting to see how the top of the East shakes out and who gets matched up. Snaer had an impressive TC and may be able to contribute significantly.


NC: The Knicks might have my favorite roster in the league. They have tons of young talent, and all of their prospects aren’t even close to maxing out their potentials. They will most likely take another step forward this season, but the 5 seed is most likely their ceiling due to how competitive the Eastern Conference is.

G9: Not too long ago Chris and I were browsing the league's rosters and came across the Knicks. They've got hopeful specs at every possible position, that is, if you still want to call Len Bias hopeful. Artis Gilmore will certainly win ROTY and I don't think it will be long before he carries the Knicks from ~5th in the East to the top 3. If NY can pool some of their specs for an established superstar such as Mark Price, Manu Ginobli, Jason Kidd, Ramar Smith, Mark Williams, etc. they will become 'true' competitors.


NC: Uto might not be the worst signing in the world. They dumbly traded Kumangi away, but I still believe in their core of Hondo, Williams, and yes Uto. Carey will have to step up, I loved him as a sixth man behind Kumangi/Williams but that is no longer an option sadly. Cleveland should probably move on from some of those prospects who aren’t ready to contribute for veterans who can help their team now.

G9: I'm with NC. on the Uto signing. Before sending bids I made sure to look at how Uto has been used since he entered the league. I can say with certainty that his Pre-Season stats ring more true to the player Uto is than do his stats from previous seasons. I like the combination of Uto/Hondo/Mark Williams, but they need to either a) successfully surround those three with efficient shooters and defensive depth or b) double-down on trading Hondo and Mark (perhaps even Uto) until some of the other Eastern teams take steps back.


NC: I’m rooting for the Wolves this year cause my guy Amaree Abram is now out in Minnesota. They were the 1 seed in the East last year, but I don’t see them repeating that. I think Minnesota will need to improve their frontcourt in order to move up these rankings.

G9: Chris has successfully taken Minnesota to the ECF 2 years in a row. I wish I could see he was an underdog yet again, but it seems as if this year will be less impressive than the previous two. The team's leaders in Abram, TMG, Styles, and Dave Debusschere will likely keep Minnesota in the hunt, but it will be tough for them to take over any of the teams with a true superstar. That has not stopped them the last two years though, so I guess... what will stop them now?


NC: The ultimate wild card. Panic is still(?) fielding offers for his stars, but had a great pre season. Who knows if they decide to try and compete this year, or sell off.

G9: I haven't been the most active recently, but Panic! owns superstars I've never even heard of. His Peja signing in the off-season was pathetic, but in Pre-Season he appears to be solid enough to spread the floor for Detroit's real threats. They still have some glaringly obvious holes, but a team with a point guard like that is always in good shape.


NC: Henny always has his teams in the hunt for the post season, but he might be on the outside looking in. Especially if he decides to sell off Latavious to give more minutes to Hardick and Mickleson. They also lost one of their leading scorers last season in Jalen Williams.

G9: Henny's roster isn't ... unimpressive. But it isn't all that impressive either. After losing Williams in Free Agency they are left relying on some pretty mediocre scoring options to get the job done on offense. His big man trio might be able to play well enough at the rim and grab enough rebounds to keep New Orleans in the hunt, but it will be hard for them to make the playoffs over the 8 teams listed ahead of them.


NC: The Bucks have a strong core for their new GM. Finding the right DC will be important for their success this year. JB wasn’t able to do that after their Finals appearance not so long ago. All this team needs is some minor moves, and quality DC changes, and they have the potential to shoot up these rankings.

G9: It is pretty lame that Jason Kidd and Ramar Smith haven't had management around to coach them up or surround them with the necessary talent. Kidd and Smith will both likely hit the Free Agency market in the coming offseason and it wouldn't be that surprising if they both walked away from this perennial 8th seed... especially if they miss the playoffs again. NC is right though - they aren't that far off. They have a dynamic guard combo and a solid big man. New GM zB can either do a hard reset now while the East is so competitive - or make the moves to push up the rankings.
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