Redrafting the 1996 BSL Lottery


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The greatest draft ever?

More juiced than Mark McGwire in the same room as Jose Canseco?

Players boosted, GM's whined, and Hank fist pumped over drafting career role players.

The BSL is officially back!

Without further intro, let's redraft!

1. 878Miami Heat:

Even though Jon thinks he's bad, the obvious #1 pick now and forever should've been Tim Duncan. He's not a teen, but his base ratings coupled with his B+ inside and B+ defense is enough to put him far above anyone on this list. He may not have 100 pots that Vince Carter, Jason Terry, and James Posey have but with base ratings of
B+ C- C- B+ C+ A after a first TC, it's pretty hard to not have him #1. Plus, we all know the Heat would've gotten a stud wing with the 4th pick they acquired from the Pistons.

ACTUAL PICK: Kobe Bryant

2. 879Milwaukee Bucks:

Jon will be rejoicing over this, but the #2 pick isn't Tim Duncan in this redraft. Even with Vince Carter's boosting, I think Kobe's base of B- B C- B C A after his first TC at the age 18 make him the obvious choice for #2. He may have early turnover problems that Vince Carter may never have, but his base ratings alone as an 18 year old give him the nod here. I'm not sure if G9 would give him away as he did with another unnamed player, but Kobe is the pick here for #2.


3. 880Washington Bullets:

Here is where I really had to compare data and look across the league. After a godly TC, Allen Iverson is the obvious pick at #3 in a redraft. He's already a top 3 scorer in the league, his handling went +3 in TC, and he's not a horrible defender. His only weakness is turnovers and defense, but as OP as he looks at PG in a non-PG friendly league he's the obvious choice at #3. His only knock is being 21, but with ratings of B B B+ C+ C- A it's a great base and pick here for the Bullets.

REDRAFT PICK: Allen Iverson

4. 881Miami Heat:

The Heat have a difficult decision here between three terrific wings. Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, and Vince Carter all look terrific after their first TC. Knowing that Duncan was their first pick in the redraft, I wanted to go big here on potential considering Duncan's is only in the 70's. I have the Heat taking Vince Carter in this redraft, pairing a 100 potential future star with the star player of this draft class in Tim Duncan. Only Duncan currently has turnover problems, but both would be a force as a duo for the next 7-10 seasons together down in Miami.

ACTUAL PICK: Paul Pierce
REDRAFT PICK: Vince Carter

5. 882Boston Celtics:

Allen and Pierce look incredibly similar, but Allen's higher outside rating gives him the edge here. With GB's luck, Allen would bust out in his next TC but wouldn't have the coveted 100 potential after his first TC. Still, with a B- B+ C C+ C A base, I think GB would be happy with Ray Allen in Boston.

ACTUAL PICK: Vince Carter

6. 883Vancouver Grizzlies:

Panic is the easiest GM in the league to figure out. He loves teens. He kills dogs. He hates the Hawks GM and thinks he's fat. He seems mysterious, but really English is just his 2nd language. Back to BSL, Panic has a very easy decision here. He gets Paul Pierce, he's a teen, and it's not tough to choose between him and who he actually drafted (Shawn Marion).

ACTUAL PICK: Shawn Marion

7. 884Atlanta Hawks:

Here is where the draft gets most interesting. The six undisputed best players are off of the board, and figuring out who goes here is very tough. Luckily for player, he still has this pick. He hasn't traded it once, twice, three times, but he does in fact have it. Here, he goes with a perfect fit for his cheese outside offense and a man who boosted in Jason Terry. Almost as good as his actual pick, Terry can play PG and is going to outside cheese one day as a star PG. C+ B C+ B- C- B is a great base for a teen after his first TC.

ACTUAL PICK: Allen Iverson

8. 885Phoenix Suns:

Zydrunas Ilgauskas is the 2nd best big in the draft and had a terrific TC. Even though he doesn't have the pot that Manu still has most likely, big Z's ratings of B C- D- B- B- B after his first TC make him an easy selection here at #8. A great base to work with, and in a league with so many bigs it's great to come away with the 2nd best one in this draft.

ACTUAL PICK: Manu Ginobili
REDRAFT PICK: Zydrunas Ilgauskas

9. 886New York Knicks err Minnesota Timberwolves:

I am not sure what team is allowed to be picking here, but we are all saddened to know we'll never see the Steve Nash/Patrick Ewing pick & roll. It's not often you get two name value players that overrated in one meme. Anyways, back to the pick, I think the Knicks/Wolves should go with Steve Nash again in the redraft. As much as many trolled NC over this pick, it's still the right one being C B B- C D+ A after his first TC with pot still remaining.


10. 887Washington Bullets:

Ebbs got a player that boosted here originally, and he gets one in the redraft as well. With Iverson already at PG, it's nice to pair him with a 100 potential wing. James Posey is already C B C- C+ C B with a mountain of potential to go. It was between him and Marion here, but Posey's better ratings/potential give him the edge. Even with Marion being a year younger, give me Posey.

ACTUAL PICK: Jason Terry

11. 888Utah Jazz:

The Jazz can do many things here, but the best is to go with the guy they originally drafted. He has the best ratings, he can play PG, and he's already well on his way to developing well. Yes, I'm referring to Steve Francis who at B B- B- C C- B looks good after his first TC. He doesn't have the potential that Manu or Marion likely have, but his current base after TC1 make him a no brainer here.

ACTUAL PICK: Steve Francis
REDRAFT PICK: Steve Francis

12. 889Minnesota Timberwolves:

This one is a pretty easy pick, it's between Manu and Marion. Manu on one hand has an offensive build, but Marion has an intriguing defensive one that feels worth taking the risk on. I imagine he can defend PF's as well as SF's, and he can also play SG. This versatility at the least makes him a key defensive component and the engine of a championship winning defense. I'm not sure Manu will ever carry an offense, so give Marion here carrying a defense.

ACTUAL PICK: Zydrunas Ilgauskas
REDRAFT PICK: Shawn Marion

13. 890Toronto Raptors:

Never did I think a draft would be so good that the highest pot before the draft would be at the end of the lotto in a redraft, but here we are. Hokey lucks on this pick with Manu, who has nice ratings at C B- C B- C- A and will at worst be a solid #3 option in his career. While I maintain he'll never be a #1, I think getting a potential #2 here at the end of the lottery is a huge shot in the arm. The kind of shot in the arm the Nuggets GM still hasn't taken even though he's at the highest risk.

ACTUAL PICK: Shareef Abdur-Rahim
REDRAFT PICK: Manu Ginobili

