Rarefied Air Raw and Uncensored

The Godfather

Well-known member
Here we go, lets get to know Suns GM Air

Question #1 What’s this Air name all about? How long have you been using it?
- The name came from when Gerald Green was a Boston Celtic in real life, so I’ve had this name since like 2006-2007. Randomly just thought to myself AIR UP THERE and made it into AiRuPtHeRe. Later on I found out there was an AND1 baller who went by this name I believe named Mr. AirUpThere lol.

Question #2 Obviously you enjoy Sim League play, what makes BSL so good?
As some of you may or may not know, I’m the last true “OG” standing. BSL first started back on Basketball World back in like 2003-2004? The original commishes were DTP/MoNeYMiKe. Eventually they stopped doing this and JKidd took over. He apparently went to jail and CP3 took over. CP3 kinda stopped caring to Donkey took over and here we are. I enjoy a lot of the core group we have. We’ve been doing this for a long time so leaving a group of guys who you’ve interacted with for many years is difficult. So to answer the question, the core group of GM’s is what makes BSL strong. No matter how many restarts or issues we’ve gone through, the core has stayed together to figure out what’s best for the league.

Question #3 What 3 things you would like to improve/change in BSL if you could?
Nothing I’d say. The biggest improvement was improved when we got rid of the toxic members. The league has been so much better now with everyone on the same page and a lot more enjoyable.

Question #4 Best and Worst trade you've made in Sim Leagues? and how long you've been playing?
Well, I don’t trade to often so it’s pretty hard to pick but I’d say most recently the best trade I made was Jarace Walker for Kevin Knox straight up. I loved Jarace Walker and I’m upset I never tried him at point guard because he was pretty good there. Kevin Knox ended up becoming a really good win for us for a while.

Worst Trade: A few sim leagues ago I ended up trading Justice Winslow for De’Angelo Harrison. Winslow was my baby but he had a bit of a turnover problem. His scoring was still really good and he did a lot of good things. De’Angelo Harrison seemed like a good player, but he was never the star player that I thought he’d be. Honorable mention with be Tiny Archibald for MOPEY and a few other draft picks that never panned out. I don’t think that was my worst because I was able to grab a few other guys in free agency/draft to kinda make up for the trade.

I’ve been doing sim leagues since at least 2002-2003.

Question #5 You get to choose 2 players on this file to start an expansion team with who are they and why?
Anthony Davis is the #1 I would take for sure. His dominance both offensively and defensively is a game changer. The second player I would probably take is Giannis Antetokounmpo. Think him and Davis together would be insane. A point guard would be ideal, but I personally don’t see a better duo than AD/Giannis.

Let’s get to know the man behind the keyboard

Question #6 Who are you?
My real name is Jeff. I reside in Massachusetts. I’m 26 years old. I graduated college with a bachelor’s degree Business Management and plan on pursing my master’s in Business Administration. I work in Boston, MA for a Wealth Management company as a Wealth Associate. I enjoy sports, cars, video games, music and traveling. I’ve been with my girlfriend for two+ years now and plan on proposing sometime this year. :) Not much more to know about me I guess. I survived two blood clots which is pretty good I guess.

Question #7 Pizza, Chicken or Steak? and what style/dish? Sides?
Oh this is tough. I love both pizza and chicken so I’ll pick both. I’ll do a pepperoni pizza with garlic parmesan chicken wings and a side of seasoned French fries and STRAWBERRY MILK!!! Joking on the strawberry milk but for a drink I’d have strawberry lemonade.

Question #8 What does Jeff do for fun outside Sim?
I play a lot of Pokemon Go during my free time. My girlfriend got into it so often times we go somewhere new and kind of just enjoy the weather and play Pokemon. Otherwise we are either at home, work or the gym on most weekdays. Ideally I'd like to own my business and travel the world.

Question #9 3 Favorite GMs and 3 Least Favorite GMs and Why?
Favorites would probably be Donkey, Cloud, Beats & Tyler. I’ve known them for the longest and always been on good terms with them throughout these years. I enjoy every single GM in this league besides Panic on draft night.

My least favorite would be Player, Brooks and Panda. No explanation needed.

Question #10 If money wasn't an issue what would you like to do that you can't right now?
I’d love to pay off my parent’s mortgage as well as mine. I know it would be a big relief for my parents to not have to worry about a mortgage anymore as well as a big relief for myself. Once those are paid off, I’d look to start investing in property in North Carolina.