Lakers Raw cry!

The Godfather

Well-known member
Good Evening Mentch, lets get down to it

Question #1- Where does Mentch come from?

When I was 15 I used to post on some other forums. There was one that I was on where this guy named madmatt621 kept getting banned. So he started making alternate accounts to get back on the site as if he was boogie. One of the names that he used was Mentch, and this was ultimately found out when they busted him again and banned him. I liked the name so I took it, and it's stuck ever since

Come to think of it, maybe it was boogie. We cant rule it out at this point

Questiom #2- How long have you been doing Sim Leagues and what have been your best and worst memories during that time?

Since 2011. Best memory would be leagues on Hoops-Nation before the site went to shit (specifically GSL 1.0). Worst memory would be when I was shit for so long the first time I was in BSL. I missed the playoffs the first 2 seasons I had the Knicks in that league, then made it for 6 straight seasons, then missed for 10 straight before finally redeeming myself at the end of that league

Question #3- Scout your Laker team for us and let us know what you predict your record to be?

41-41. Middleton / CP3 / Jrue is honestly a pretty nice offensive core in itself and there's some decent depth pertaining to guards and wings, but the lack of bigs is truly concerning, even in a league scarce bigs. I'll be the first to admit I tried to compete before I should have. But I did have a decent offseason plan

After the jrue trade, I wanted to add another PG and move Jrue to SG (which I did with CP3), then S&T for Jimmy Butler (and I claimed expiring contracts to match off waiver wire), then trade Jrue for Vucevic (which I had an agreement for before FA / TC). Everything went according to plan except Butler. As a result I look kind of foolish now since I wasnt able to fill out my team as much as I wanted to. But at least I didnt trade any of my own picks so I'm still in a solid spot and can go either direction now

Question #4- What is the worse trade and the best trade you've made in BSL?

Best trade - I really like how the Middleton trade has panned out for me so far, especially since LeBron retired after only 1 season and the other offers I was getting for him were crappy. I never expected Middleton to become a legitimate #1 scoring option. If we're talking past leagues, the move I made for Rick Mahorn during the year I won the title with the inside focus team was my best move, because it came out of nowhere when nobody expected it and pushed me towards truly contending after I had missed the playoffs for like a decade straight

I was tempted to go with the Jordan Clarkson trade because it put me over the top and won me a ring, but the league literally restarted the season after I won so we can't really evaluate the results of a trade that I was unable to reap for longer than a couple of sims. Before that, me and Cloud were set to run the Atlantic for the next 3-4 years

Worst trade - the Hassan Whiteside trade like 3 leagues ago. It was like the Jrue trade in this league, but worse. I offered Swaggy a deal of Kevon Looney + 2 picks for him. He kept asking me to add more and more as negotiations went on. Eventually I traded Looney + 3 picks + cash for Whiteside because I was on the brink of contending and I wanted to win. But I only got a single 50 win season and conference finals appearance out of it and Whiteside was 33 at the time and lasted only 2 seasons before I had to ship him out. Meanwhile, Looney got moved from PF to SF (which is something I stupidly didnt even consider) and finally took the next step towards stardom in his prime

I'd have considered the Beejay Anya trade for value purposes because I traded the pick before the lottery and it jumped to #1, but the thing is that I won it all with him as my #1 option so hard to hate on that at this point in time. Still made me reconsider the concept of trading a haul of picks for a guy if your team isn't already set up to succeed

Question #5- Who is a GM you love to hate and who is a GM you hate to love?

GM you love to hate - Panic. Someone else said it best when they said he was "annoyingly successful". I mean how many times has he jumped in the lottery out of just dumb luck. He's not a terrible GM or anything but there's a reason I don't really go out of my way to try and negotiate with him

GM you hate to love - Greeme. You can laugh and roll your eyes at some of his takes and offers, but it's hard to deny his track record of success, even if you think his outside offense is just a repeatedly used gimmick. He's made contenders out of scrub teams and turned nobodies into 20 ppg players, so whenever he gets his hands on a true specimen he makes everyone else pay for it. I've always enjoyed GM'ing with him though whether it's been in here or in GTSL

Ok Lets get physical and personal now

Question #6- Describe yourself?

I like watching sports and rap music. I really enjoy playing basketball too. I collect NFL / NBA / MLB jerseys and I also like collecting NFL / MLB helmets, especially throwback ones

Question #7- When was the last time you went to the Movies? What did you see? Give us a review

I'm not much of a movies person, but I went and saw Tag last year. It was a pretty good movie, I'd give it a 6.5. My favorite part of it was when they broke down how Jerry made mental notes in his head when he played

Question #8- Favorite Sports teams and Why?

The teams I'm a fan of are as follows

NFL - Minnesota Vikings / Oakland Raiders
NBA - Seattle Sonics
MLB - New York Mets / Detroit Tigers

Reason: All of these teams were really good when I started watching sports in the late 90s and early 2000s, so I picked them and stuck with them because I didnt really want to root for the Dallas teams. Only one that wasnt was the Tigers, but the reason I started liking them because when I was 7 I was big on Juan Gonzalez and he was traded from the Rangers to the Tigers following the 1999 season. That one didnt last obviously

Question #9- Describe a typical weekday and a typical weekend day in Mentch's life?

Weekday - Go to work all day and then go home, sometimes I stop at the gym and sometimes I work out at my house
Weekend - Go to work all day and then go home, sometimes I stop at the gym and sometimes I don't

That's seriously all I do now. I'm in that no man's land where I've already graduated from college but I'm prepping for a GMAT, so until that comes along and I have to start admission processes, nothing for me to do but work meaningless stop gap jobs and stack money. Sometimes my friends will come over and smoke but that's about it

Question #10- Favorite Dessert, and place to eat it?

I had a Boston Creme Pie shake from Baskin Robbins once and was hooked on it, but they dont have the flavor at every location so it's hit or miss when I go to one