Giving Thanks To Hank, A Sit-Down With The Reigning BSL Champion


Well-known member
1. What went through your mind when you finally broke through and won the championship in the league’s second season?

I knew I had a good team after all the trades I made to start the league. Not an old team but rather a 5 yr window team to go get a ship. We made the finals yr 1 so being back in yr 2 was not a big surprise. When the finals started and I knew Cloud was the GM I was facing to be honest thought i would probably lose in 6. As game 1 and 2 unfolded i was breathing a bit easier and when we went up 3-0 i knew it was likely over but was still anxious tbh. Then we won game 4 and I felt more relief than glory to be honest.


2. Many people are saying Caitlin Jenner will win the next California Governor Election. Will you be voting for her and what is your opinion of her?

I saw her interviewed by Hannity the other night. She really cares about CA and wants what is best for the state. After 50-60 yrs of 90% liberal government to be honest Cali needs a change. There are so many homeless folks and Cali which use to be the Jewel of the Country is more like a shithole now.. Companies like Tesla and Oracle (18,000 + of them) have left the State and for the 1st time in History more folks have left the State than have come to the State. I think a change in policy will do wonders with less regulations, more business friendly policies and most importantly a tax cut or 2, I mean highest taxes in the USA to have so many Social issues is like a brain scratcher. Jenner brings like a business and fiscal conservative approach with very liberal Social/People values which I think is well balanced and in real need in Cali at the moment.


3. What is one investment you’ve made in the last year that you regret?

None- I went real estate heavy and the home I bought in Cali for $199,000 last July is now worth north of $360,000 and the one I bought in NH in November 2020 for $90,000 is now around $125,000 so Huge ROI's on both of those Investments.. Everything else was mainly conservative mutual funds type Investments which have also performed real well as the Stock Market has been soaring for almost a yr now since it came down a bit.

4. What made you choose the Denver Nuggets in the team draft?

I had Magic 1, TWolves 2 and Nuggets 3 on draft day. Nuggets is who I ended with and right away knew I needed a 1 a 2 and a 3 improvement as well as a 6th upgrade, and went to work. As to why the Nuggets, I did like Mutombo and McDyess as a combo down low and thought I had some assets to go make the necessary moves to improve the 1 2 and 3 positions. Gary Payton and Jason Kidd were my 1 and 2 targets, when I couldn't trade for either I pivoted towards Mookie or Stoudamire and the Mookie deal came to be. The Knicks trade followed with Christie and Oakley which really rounded the roster and then came the Hill ask and the Laettner trade. Didn't have the assets to get Hill but did to get Christian and here we are.


5. If you and Daulten got an elevator that was going up, would it go up or go down?

It would go up, cause I would open the door and shove the motherfucker out.

6. Who do you want to serve as Donald John Trump’s running mate in the 2024 Presidential Election?

I like Tim Scott a lot, but I think it will be DeSantis and Scott as President and Vice President or Scott and DeSantis... Ivanka and Lana Trump will both be Senators as will Herschel Walker. In Fact, I see 6 Black Republican Senators (currently only 1) including 1 female as early as 2022. The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2022 with all this BS they are doing.

7. You claimed the 2020 election would be a red wave and Trump would win in landslide fashion. What went wrong and why did Trump lose the election?

It was a Red Wave I mean look at all the victories in Congress. What went wrong is the Mail in voting with lose or no verification, I mean if that doesn't happened and we vote as per normal Trump wins by 5 mil votes. I mean is Biden really the most popular President in USA History > than Obama by 20 mil votes???? I don't think so... I should know I voted for Obama 1st time.


8. If one GM in the league ran for president, who should it be and why?

Probably Cloud, he is thoughtful, firm, yet friendly and somewhat easy on the ear. I think he would do ok.

9. What GM in league history do you have the best relationship with?

I don't know, I have a good relationship with you, Donkey, and Cloud.. believe it or not Curry and I do ok, we trade quite a bit and he is very pleasant to deal with.. I do for the most part get along with everybody. Jon, GB and Scott probably the worst to deal with, but we've made some deals work. The Ebbs twins, lol, can be difficult at times when it comes to trades but not too bad.

10. What was your favorite moment playing for USC?

So many to count, but breaking Chris Miller's tailbone in Japan and then having to share a plane back to USA with Oregon was a great one as the man had to sit on a blow up donut the entire plane ride and although he had pain killers he was not very comfortable at all,,,, Sort of a mean boy take, but I was a mean boy back then... Randy Johnson, Jack Del Rio, Duane Bickett, Sean Salisbury, and Matt Johnson playing intramural Basketball with me representing our Delta Chi Fraternity was pretty sweet too, how we finished in 2nd place to Sigma Chi is another matter we even had Joe Cormier (Tight End) and me as the 6th and 7th dudes... Guess the Sigma boys were a better team where as we didnt really have time to practice we just played -- we went like 23 -1 with our only loss in the Championship game in 1984... But i have 100's of party stories and moments as well.. Best 5 yrs of my life (well at least Single years).
