Getting Raw with Austin

The Godfather

Well-known member
Well this was long overdue. The Godfather sits down with the Commish to find out what drives him both in the role of commish and in his personal life. Lets get to it, Good Morning Austin lets answers some questions shall we:

Question 1-- How many years have you been the Commish or Co-Commish of BSL? Which year stands out as the greatest? The worst?
I think it's been five years as commish of this league? I tried going back and seeing what the earliest file I had was and it was one from CSS which I think was where I first picked up running the BS League. I jumped right in as commish after CP3MVP stepped down. Honestly the early years like 2014-15 were really good. I really liked the core that was in BSL at the time. Although this recent stretch here after the purge is right up there with that. The worst probably would be 2019 so far when I'm just really busy and I had to deal with a lot of idiots. Probably some of the times when we had to move sites were the worst too, we had some stretches where we were constantly moving.

Question 2-- What would you consider the hardest and the easiest part of being a Commish?
Honestly the hardest part is just doing stuff on time and by a deadline. When I put my head down and start doing something I can always finish it. But I'm really bad, if it comes to like a draft, where I should be picking at it for awhile but the only way I get it done is by doing it in one fell swoop. The easiest part, nothing really is simple and not time consuming, but when the league is active as hell like it is right now, everything just becomes easier to do because it feels like you're doing it for a purpose.

Question 3-- What is your absolute worst moment personal/or Sim league during your tenure as Commish?
Honestly the note is one of the lowest moments in my life. Happened while I was commish, pretty early on in me being a commish too. Shout out if you know about it, it's pretty bad. I'm not going to re-live it.

Question 4-- What are your thoughts on where the league is headed after the re-orgnization 2 seasons ago?
Alright I think this league is in an amazing spot right now. I can't rememember it ever being more active than it is right now. I think there are a few things that could be problematic down the road. I'm hoping with the changes in personnel that the people that have traditionally not stuck around for long, will be more inclined to stick around for this. I also want to shoutout Ebbs and Cloud who are both extremely helpful when it comes to running the league. I couldn't sanely do it without them. I can easily see us being on track for a typical BSL 30+ year run.

Question 5-- What can we do as GM's to make your job easier?
Well first of all, after tonight, if GMs keep better track of their picks then it makes the inputers lives much easier. I know Cloud is really good at compiling who has what come draft time but if GMs kept better track then picks wouldn't get lost in translation like they can sometimes. Another thing personally would be to format your free agent bids properly. That is something that you guys as GMs can do to help the input go faster. Posting bank links is another thing that helps speed things up. Also getting stuff in before the sim deadline. I'll usually input stuff if you message me about it while I'm inputting but it does slow things down for everyone else. There's probably some other things that are obvious that I can't think of right now.

OK enough of the Commish ? I want to know You Austin

Question 6- Where did the name DONKEY come from?
It actually is a pretty obscure reference. It came from back when Nate Robinson and Glen Davis played for the Celtics. I always had liked Nate Robinson, he was one of my favorite players in the league, and when he came to the Celtics I was pumped. Soon him and Glen Davis earned the nickname Shrek and Donkey because Davis was a fat oger like guy and I guess Nate was just short in relation so he could be Donkey. Because I was a big Nate Robinson fan, I went with the username Donkey. It haven't changed it since and most people don't know the reference.

Question 7-- What does a day in the life of Austin on average look like?
Well for the past year it would be classes generally under noon or a little after, I'd go into the athletics office at our school to put in hours and make dough, then I'd go to the gym, probably either eat at the dining hall or go home and cook. Then I'd hangout with my housemates or other people until I either went to bed or started stuff for a sim. Being constantly with other people and hanging out with friends a lot caused me to push sims back all the time. Obviously it's well documented that I'd go out on weekends.

Question 8-- Your Women scale is legendary, say an 8 said yes to dinner and drinks, where does Austin take her?
Well nothing can match your breakfast dinner promiscuous encounters. But honestly I just graduated college and have my fair share of debt so even if an 8 on my scale said yes to dinner and drinks, it wouldn't be anything fancy. I might even skip dinner all together and just skip to drinks at one of the more laid back bars near me. I ain't going to bring an 8 to some cheap ass restaurant. Other option is ALWAYS to just go for coffee. Cheap, simple and every basic white bitch loves Starbucks.

Question 9-- Who is your favorite GM? and Who is your least favorite? and Why?
My favorite GM is probably Beats because you guys already know there's going to be a point in this league where Beats trades be a star player to get me over the top. Or he'll give me a huge package for one of my star players. And thus the Indiana Raptors will be born. If we're going for favorite person in general it's probably Cloud or Air, either of whom I'd talk about my personal life to. Least favorite is Panic. Nobody likes Panic.

Question 10-- What are your 5 favorite Movies, 5 favorite TV Shows and 5 favorite food dishes?
In no particular order, my 5 favorite movies are The Dark Knight, The Wolf of Wall Street, Django Unchained, Inception and Baby Driver. My top 5 favorite TV shows are Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Sopranos and The Office. My 5 favorite dishes I guess would be Chicken Curry (only my moms), Lobster, NY Strip, Mussels and probably a basic Chicken/Broccoli/Ziti.

And there you have it folks, the commish as candid as ever. Thanks


Well-known member
Staff member
3.5M to donkey

2M to Henny

I actually really enjoyed this. You should make this a series lol.
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