FA Rules

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Staff member
- Max of 20 bids per team, per FA period. (Days 1-3, Days 4-5, etc).
- Each team has an MLE to use, the amount is based off whether you're over or under the soft cap. Rules related to MLE are available below. Teams also have a BAE which cannot be used in consecutive seasons. Rules for that are also listed below.
- You may offer a max of 10 minimum contracts in your 20 total bids, and can do up to 2 yrs on minimum contracts.
- Bids are due an hour before the scheduled sim time, any bids sent after this will be ignored.
- Bids MUST be in this exact format -> Player Names - TeamNickname,Years,Percent,Salary,TypeOfBid
ex. Blake Griffin - Suns,4,5,11667555,Standard
-Types of bids include: standard, larry bird, early bird, non-bird, MLE and BAE.

Going forward, if you don’t have 12 guys on the roster for pre-season, you’re fined 5M.
If you don’t have 12 for Sim One following the 5M fine, you don’t get any coaching or G League ups that season.

Larry Bird Exception:
Who Qualifies - Own free agent, 3 seasons without changing teams as a free agent
Minimum Years - 1
Maximum Years - 5
Maximum Salary - Maximum salary
Maximum Raises/Decreases - 8% (Decrease -8%)

Early Bird Exception:
Who Qualifies - Own free agent, 2 seasons without changing teams as a free agent
Minimum Years - 2
Maximum Years - 4
Maximum Salary - 175% of previous salary
Maximum Raises/Decreases - 8% (Decrease -8%)

Non-Bird Exception:
Who Qualifies - Own free agent, if not Larry Bird or Early Bird
Minimum Years - 1
Maximum Years - 4
Maximum Salary - Greater of 120% of previous salary or 120% of minimum salary
Maximum Raises/Decreases - 5% (Decrease -5%)

FA Contract Ranges:
- Minimum contracts go up for each year of experience the player you are offering it to, has. They can be up to two years, there is no set increase as the next years' salary on a two year minimum always has to be the next years' minimum.

No experience: $838,464
1 year experience: $1,349,383
2 year experience: $1,512,601
3 year experience: $1,567,007
4 year experience: $1,621,415
5 year experience: $1,757,429
6 year experience: $1,893,447
7 year experience: $2,029,463
8 year experience: $2,165,481
9 year experience: $2,176,260
10 year experience +: $2,393,887

- Maximum contracts work the same way, heres how they work.
0 to 6 year experience: $25,467,250 starting
7 to 9 year experience: $30,560,700 starting
10 year + experience: $35,654,150 starting

- Mid-Level exception can be for up to four years in length, with raises up to 5% (Decrease -5%). It may also be split
First Year Salary Standard MLE : $8,641,000
First Year Salary Under Cap MLE : $4,449,000
*If you are under the cap after the draft, you qualify to use the Under Cap MLE. If you are over you use the standard MLE.

- Bi-Annual exception can be for up to two years in length, with raises up to 5% (Decrease -5%). It may also be split.
First Year Salary: $3,382,000
*This is bi-annual and cannot be used in two consecutive seasons.
**This cannot be used in conjunction with the Under Cap MLE.

Salary Cap - $101,869,000
Hard Cap - $129,817,000

MUST BE UNDER: -27,948,000
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