BSL Survey Results (2001)


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We had 19 participants in the survey this year

Five best players in the sim if you have to win a title this season?

HM. Terrell Brandon (Previous Rank: 5), Ray Allen (NR)
5. Gary Payton (NR)
4. Jason Terry (NR)
3. Kobe Bryant (NR)
2. Kevin Garnett (NR)
1. Shaquille O'Neal (1)

Analysis: Shaq holds the line by staying as the top asset according to the league. We have 4 new faces in the top 5 and 2 of them are recent champions in Jason Terry (1999) and Kevin Garnett (1998). Terrell Brandon falls one spot to #6. Scottie Pippen and Grant Hill are the biggest fallers as they both netted zero votes. David Robinson went from 2nd to only receiving 3 votes.

Five most valuable players in the sim if you factor in age, contract, and current skillset

HM. Tim Duncan (3)
5. Ray Allen (NR)
4. Shaquille O'Neal (2)
3. Jason Terry (NR)
2. Kobe Bryant (1)
1. Kevin Garnett (HM)

Analysis: Four of the top six players stay the same as the dynamic duo of Terry and Allen are the only new faces. Garnett goes +5 from honorable mention to 1st. Kobe drops one spot to second, Shaq two spots to fourth, and Duncan three spots to honorable mention. Allen Iverson (2 votes) and Vince Carter (5 votes) are the two players who dropped in value.

Three teams best set up for long term success (Title contention in 3-5 years)

HM. Milwaukee (NR)
3. Washington Bullets (NR)
2. Miami Heat (2)
1. Minnesota Timberwolves (NR)

Analysis: Four seasons ago we asked this same question and Orlando, Miami, and Boston were the top 3 teams expected to be in contention this current season. All 3 are, but are still searching for ring #1. Miami is still sitting at #2 with essentially the same core of Kobe and Pierce from years ago. It seems the league thinks Orlando's window is closing as they are no longer on the list. Minnesota sits at one and they have the league's best asset in Kevin Garnett (according to the above question) so that ranking makes sense. Both Washington and Milwaukee have strong young cores and show no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Three teams best set up for immediate success (Title contenders the next 1-2 years)

HM. Milwaukee Bucks (NR)
3. Washington Bullets (NR)
1b. Minnesota Timberwolves (NR)
1a. Orlando Magic (1)

Analysis: Last time around we had Orlando first, Denver second, and Cleveland third. Immediately following that poll we saw the Nuggets beat the Magic in the 1996 NBA finals, but all 3 teams have failed to make a finals appearance since. The Wolves and Magic tied for first with 18 of 19 possible votes. Orlando is the only team on the immediate success list that is not on the long term success list indicating again that the league generally thinks their championship window is closing. Will Shaq be able to prove the doubters wrong this year.

Biggest Lottery Blunder and Why? (1996-1999 Drafts ONLY)

2. Manu Ginobili
1. Shawn Marion

It's gotta be Manu for me. Shawn Marion gets a lot of the hate because he hadn't developed super nicely and was taken higher, but Manu looks like an RFA. Marion can at least give you 15+ ppg and 7rpg at SF. Manu can't even produce at PG. Being that he was taken over Terry, Nash, and Z among others, this set the Suns back so much. Marion was taken over AI as well as the others mentioned already, so many will likely give the nod to him, but I'm going Manu here.
Shawn Marion and Manu Ginobili in 1996. Both garbage, never looked good (don’t care about pot they were so far away from playable) and they got taken over Iverson, Terry, Nash etc
Shawn Marion (1996, Pick 6 to Grizzlies). Picked before several bigger names and players who turned out to be better.
Biggest Lottery Steal and Why? (1996-1999 Drafts ONLY)

HM. Jumaine Jones
2. Carlos Boozer (2 of yall are idiots)
1. Jason Terry

Jason Terry at 10, Would go top 5, maybe even top 3, in a re draft. HM Big Z at 12
Carlos Boozer with TC and boost at 18 one could argue he will be best in draft
Jason Terry in 1996. Really can’t make an argument for anyone else as he’s roided out with a finals and regular season MVP already.
Build the BEST possible starting line up using ONE player from your current roster, and ONE player from EACH Division.
C: Shaquille O'Neal (9)
PF: Kevin Garnett (15)
SF: Grant Hill (11)
SG: Kobe Bryant (8)
PG: Gary Payton (8)
HM: Terrell Brandon (6)
(parenthesis states number of votes received out of 18)

Analysis: There was not much competition in the frontcourt as KG, Hill, and Shaq all received 50% or more of the vote at their position. Gary Payton edging out Terrell Brandon by 2 votes was the tightest race. The most surprising thing from doing this was seeing Jason Terry and Ray Allen get a COMBINED 3 votes. Both of these Washington players were considered 3 of the top 7 players to win a title with this season in the first question, but aren't able to crack the rotation here.

Most overrated player in the league?

HM. Penny Hardaway, Dirk Nowitzki, Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant (all 2 votes)
1. Grant Hill (5 votes)

Analysis: For the second straight survey Penny Hardaway lands on the most overrated list. He is now joined by teammate Shaquille O'Neal. Grant Hill jumps to 1st with an outstanding 5 votes. Dirk and Kobe are probably the most surprising names on this list.

Most underrated player in the league?

1b. John Starks (2 votes)
1a. Terrell Brandon (2 votes)

Analysis: yawn.. nothing fun here. Terrell Brandon has been voted a top 5 player in both surveys but is underrated? I don't know who John Starks plays for so I guess that makes him underrated.