A Supersized Interview With Daulten


Well-known member
1. Why are you the self proclaimed “greatest GM in the world”?
I am the BEST and GREATEST GM in the world. I've got other gms begging me to come in and co with them because they know that I'm the man that can fix any situation. Any move I make to make y'all think that I've lost my touch, I rebound with a big move to redeem the team! I have accomplished every goal that I have ever set out to do in BSL and in Commissioner Cameron Crazy's league, and at this point, I'm playing with house money.


2. What do you say to the many haters and losers who hate on your GM ability?
You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Player and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another GM, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Cloud to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way in the playoffs, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Cloud KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try!

So Player, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning in the finals. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning in the finals. See Player, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you.

3. What is your favorite subreddit to visit?

4. You inherited a terrific Sonics team to start the league, but they are no longer terrific. What went wrong, and what will you do differently this upcoming rebuild?
I'd say a lot of it was bad timing and trades that didn't work out.

Season 1- I wasn't quick enough for many of the moves that went down that could have certainly helped my team. I wanted Doug Christie on my team and felt he was the perfect SG to pair with Payton but I was not available when trading opened and he was dealt for a lesser offer.

John Stockton was a gamble that didn't work out but I don't regret making that trade. I gave up my backup point guard and a replaceable starting center to pair up two of the best guards in the league. It was a great duo- but I certainly was not going to pay Stockton what Ebbs did the following offseason, even if we did make a deep playoff run.

Glenn Robinson was a big mistake and I probably should have waited for some actual games to be played before committing to him. Moving three firsts for him changed the future of my team and hurt all of my flexibility.

Had I extended Kemp and brought back Ewing on a one year deal, I probably would have ran it back. We definitely should not have missed the playoffs last season and this year, I probably would have tinkered with the lineups more than I had in the previous two seasons.

I had to roll with my mistakes though, and considering that, I'm feeling pretty good about where we are headed. My Payton trade was initially criticized but I think I did what needed to be done. I needed to reset my team, and the only way I can do that is by owning my picks and controlling my future.

For Payton, I got my firsts back and gained an additional two firsts, and through that trade, signed Kevin Johnson which netted me another pair of first rounders. Disregarding my own picks, I gained six first rounders in the coming years, along with a boatload of cash, for Johnson, Payton, and Kemp and have a ton of cap flexibility- I think we have a bright future ahead of us.

5. What words do you have for former stars Shawn Kemp and Gary Payton?
One of these TREMENDOUS players will be winning a championship this season and I will be applauding for both!

6. What expectations did you have for Glenn Robinson when you acquired him, and how badly did he fail you in Seattle?
Glenn "Big Dog" Robinson will not be in the league after his current contract expires. When I acquired him, I thought he would be a solid scorer and a nice second/third option on my team. He looked like someone who could immediately contribute to my championship hopes while also having plenty of upside. I thought maybe he would be a steady 20+ppg guy as a first option in his prime. I thought I was trading for TJ Warren but I got Shabazz Mohammed.


7. Out of the dozens of GM’s you ask for advice, who gives you the best advice?
HANK has never led me astray! I don't go to the Hankster with questions- he comes to me. When I traded for Glenn "7ppg" Robinson, he told me I offered two picks too many and that I should feature Detlef in my offense.

Detlef became an all star and a sixth man of the year winner. Should have listened to Henry!

8. Why did you turn down Nate’s job offer?
I've been walking to my car since he made the offer and I cannot wait to be a part of his team.

9. What are you studying in college and what is your ideal career path?
I'm currently finishing my freshman year of school and right now I am planning to major in social studies education. Ideally, I would like to teach high school but I'm pretty open to teaching any grade. I also aspire to be the next Bill Simmons!

10. What are you currently doing to combat your heavy obesity?
I am constantly asking others for advice for how to tackle my weight problem. I am now drinking diet soda and eating plenty of greens. Sometimes, people are critical of my weight, but I've learned to be the bigger person.
