2039 FA: Day Two Grades (w/Fortson)


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2039 FA Grades: DAY TWO


Anthony Marshall signs with the Timberwolves for $8,641,000 over 1 years.
: A
Fortson: A

Monta: Coming off a championship season, Marshall jumps ship for a nice little pay-day with Minnesota. Already guard heavy, it’ll be interesting how he fits into the rotation, but he brings an element of perimeter defense that Minny has been lacking in years past.

Fortson: Wolves bring a championship guard to the team. Marshall is a solid PG/SG back-up and at $8M for a year is a sound investment. Great job, Chris.

Chris Carr signs with the Mavericks for $2,393,887 over 1 years.
: A
Fortson: C

Monta: Getting Carr is a steal in my opinion, even though he hasn't been a big minutes guy ever. Carr has been relegated to a bench role his entire career, but has shown that he can definitely score and make plays when given the opportunity.

Fortson: He has nice ratings but he’s never really done anything to reflect them. It’s a bench filling move but a questionable one at best for the money.

Roddy Gayle Jr. signs with the Mavericks for $2,393,887 over 1 years.
: D
Fortson: F

Monta: Roddy is well past his prime days of dropping 30+ points per game. Outside of his scoring, he’s a negative everywhere else. Don’t understand this given the fact that the Mavs were already straddling the hard cap.

Fortson: Roddy died last TC and isn’t getting any younger. Not sure why he was signed. Unplayable at this point.

Adrien Moerman signs with the Mavericks for $17,506,908 over 4 years.
Fortson: B-

Monta: Moerman keeps getting paid for his ability to spread the floor as a big, but his production level has been consistently dipping. At already 33 years of age, the 4 years is a asking a lot out of a guy who’s more of a player on paper than actual numbers.

Fortson: Conservative contract for a big who can back-up the SF/PF spot. For the money it looks nice but Moerman has regressed in recent years.

C.J. Walker signs with the Bulls for $10,810,085 over 1 years.
: B+
Fortson: A

Monta: CJ Walker is entering the twilight of his career, but he’s still got plenty of game left. Bulls are looking to make a run for the playoffs with Matt Jones seemingly becoming the next RJ Barrett.

Fortson: Great use of cap here by the Bulls to snag Walker who is a trade asset. He’s also expiring so if he isn’t able to trade him then no cap wasted for next season. Win-win on all accounts.

Derrian Ford signs with the Mavericks for $2,393,887 over 1 years.
: B
Fortson: B+

Monta: Ford is a quality backup wing and getting him for a min is a nice deal for the Mavs. He’ll likely play some minutes behind Svet, providing floor spacing and decent defense.

Fortson: Ford is a nice SG/SF back-up and this was the Mavericks best signing in my estimation.

Favours Aire signs with the 76ers for $40,000,000 over 2 years.
: D
Fortson: D

Monta: Not a fan of this signing at all. Favours Aire is a one trick pony, and that’s blocking shots. He literally does nothing else. $20M over two years is a massive overpay for a guy who can only do one thing well.

Fortson: Is Foreman trolling at this point? I really don’t understand the motivation here. Waste of cap space and overrated player. For $3-4M I could understand but $20M is GM malpractice.

Shandon Anderson signs with the Mavericks for $2,393,887 over 1 years.
: C
Fortson: C

Monta: Shandon’s play has fallen off quite a bit, and he’s basically a worse version of Derrian Ford. The signing is repetitive and put them futher over the HC.

Fortson: Shandon keeps hovering around in the league being a 13th man. I mean props to him but who is his agent? How does this keep happening?

Swen Nater signs with the Rockets for $11,950,000 over 1 years.
: C
Fortson: C

Monta: Rockets have been doing this over the years, but like their previous signings, don’t really understand this one either. It’s only one year, but Nater should honestly be a free agent.

Fortson: Rockets signing guys for cap reasons.

Grant Simmons signs with the Wizards for $10,000,000 over 1 years.
: C
Fortson: C

Monta: Grant Simmons is a decent shooter, but his defense leaves a lot to be desired. $10M is probably way more than most teams were willing to shell out for him, so I’m sure they could’ve gotten him for cheaper. Either way, he’s not that great of a player.

Fortson: Simmons had great potential but never realized it. He’s had a few meh TC’s but for an expiring this is a no-risk, no reward deal.

Moussa Gueye signs with the Pelicans for $71,531,400 over 5 years.
: B
Fortson: A

Monta: Moussa can block shots and is still young, and was definitely an under-the-radar signing for the Pels. New Orleans has developing him for a while and it was clear they were very high on him as they offered him a 5-year deal to bring him back, despite him never starting. While I’m not crazy about the deal, I can understand it.

Fortson: The next great shot blocker in the league. Bargain moves here by Henny, and I’m still wondering how Jerry Lucas got $15M more a year just because he can rebound at a higher rate.

Dajuan Coleman signs with the Pacers for $4,449,000 over 1 years.
: B
Fortson: C

Monta: Decent young big for a short one-year deal. Low-risk, decent-reward. Coleman will probably see a decent amount of minutes with Big Z shipped elsewhere.

Fortson: Coleman was nice in college, okay with the Hawks two seasons ago, and maybe he can turn into something. Don’t fault the Pacers for swinging on him.

Ivan Krasic signs with the Rockets for $11,950,000 over 1 years.
: D-
Fortson: C

Monta: Scrub alert.

Fortson: Rockets use their cap.

Davis Geks signs with the Rockets for $11,950,000 over 1 years.
: D
Fortson: C

Monta: Slightly less of a scrub than Krasic.

Fortson: Rockets use their cap.

Gilvydas Biruta signs with the Suns for $49,450,000 over 4 years.
: A
Fortson: A

Monta: Definitely a steal late in FA here for the Suns, landing an all-around solid big for a very reasonable deal. Biruta can defend the post, rebound and score a little as well. While he doesn’t do anything exceptionally, Biruta definitely has the ability to be a starting PF in this league, and getting him for less than $15M/year is awesome for Phoenix.

Fortson: Very underrated signing here. Suns really cut costs going from Gallon/Williams to Waldow/Biruta while staying around the same. Have to give Air some acclaim and recognition for his ingenuity. Great job.

Ron Harper signs with the Suns for $4,570,147 over 2 years.
: B
Fortson: C-

Monta: Harper is a decent backup guard who can do a little bit of everything. He does struggle scoring the ball, and this showed in his preseason splits. However, he handles the ball pretty well, and is a big combo guard, who can get in passing lanes.

Fortson: Harper has always looked nicer than his ratings but he’s a meh role player. Maybe he do something with the Suns but I doubt it.

Kevin Porter signs with the Rockets for $11,950,000 over 1 years.
: C
Fortson: C

Monta: Another Rockets signing. Porter at least has some game, but his shooting is absolutely horrendous for a point guard. He’s definitely no Bobby Fields, that’s for sure.

Fortson: Not sure what Dwightcoward is doing.​