2039 Draft

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Round One
1.) Thunder (from Los Angeles Lakers) - . Shaquille Johnson
2.) Lakers (from Denver Nuggets) - . Brannen Greene
3.) Wizards (from Oklahoma City Thunder) - .Kennedy Meeks
4.) Pacers (from San Antonio Spurs) - .Kendrick Nunn
5.) Philadelphia 76ers - .Jalen Rose
6.) Pacers (from New York Knicks) - .Beejay Anya
7.) Chicago Bulls - .Yauheni Beliankou
8.) Houston Rockets - .Jordan Price
9.) Washington Wizards - .Matteo Panichi
10.) Grizzlies (from Seattle SuperSonics) - .Nicholas King
11.) Grizzlies (from Minnesota Timberwolves) - .Seth Allen
12.) Nuggets (from Atlanta Hawks) - .Barry Chinedu
13.) Nuggets (from Charlotte Hornets) - .Mert Gizir
14.) Golden State Warriors - .Mamadou N’Diaye
15.) Grizzlies (from New Orleans Pelicans) - .Zygimantas Simonis
16.) Thunder (from Indiana Pacers) - .Yahor Patupchyck
17.) Bulls (from Utah Jazz) - .Stefan Jankovic
18.) Grizzlies (from Phoenix Suns) - .Ed Kalafat
19.) Spurs (from Los Angeles Clippers) - .Dick Garmaker
20.) Boston Celtics - .Lucas Dias
21.) Jazz (from Miami Heat) - .Titus Channer
22.) Grizzlies (from Milwaukee Bucks) - .Elijah Macon
23.) Cavaliers (from Sacramento Kings) - .Cob Jarvis
24.) T’Wolves (from Portland Trail Blazers) - .Josh Forney
25.) Bucks (from Brooklyn Nets) - .Travis Hammonds
26.) Blazers (from Vancouver Grizzlies) - .Laszlo Kalman
27.) Detroit Pistons - .Darion Clark
28.) Kings (from Cleveland Cavaliers) - .Nemanja Nenadic
29.) Hornets (from Dallas Mavericks) - .Matic Rebic

Round Two

30.) San Antonio Spurs - .Paulius Valinskas
31.) Oklahoma City Thunder - .Willie Clayton
32.) Pelicans (from Los Angeles Lakers) - .Roddy Peters
33.) Philadelphia 76ers - .Phil Nolan
34.) Spurs (from New York Knicks) - .Frank Selvy
35.) Chicago Bulls - .Jalen Robinson
36.) Denver Nuggets - .Derek Reese
37.) Houston Rockets - .DeVon Walker
38.) Washington Wizards - .Montay Brandon
39.) Seattle SuperSonics - .Denis Krestinin
40.) Golden State Warriors - .Chier Ajou
41.) Spurs (from Atlanta Hawks) - .Olivier Vives
42.) Minnesota Timberwolves - .Joe Rahon
43.) Charlotte Hornets - .Steve Vasturia
44.) Indiana Pacers - .Andrea Amato
45.) Spurs (from New Orleans Pelicans) - .Henry Daubenschmidt
46.) Utah Jazz - .Michael Frazier
47.) Phoenix Suns - .Nikola Radicevic
48.) Boston Celtics - .Scoochie Smith
49.) Los Angeles Clippers - .Sherron Dorsey-Walker
50.) Miami Heat - .Larry Sykes
51.) Milwaukee Bucks - .Peter Jurkin
52.) Spurs (from Sacramento Kings) - .Ranko Velimorovic
53.) Portland Trail Blazers - .Stevie Clark
54.) Brooklyn Nets - .Davis Geks
55.) Dallas Mavericks - .Josh Fortune
56.) Vancouver Grizzlies - .Sergiy Zagreba
57.) Detroit Pistons - .Craig Sword
58.) Cleveland Cavaliers - .Staphon Blair
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With the first overall pick of the 2039 draft, the Oklahoma City Thunder select....

Shaquille Johnson


Staff member
own 25 BRK, 26 MEM, 19 LAC, 18 PHX, 10 SEA

right to swap 26 with 24, then swap that with 11 (VAN owns 11, POR owns 26, MIN owns 24)

right to swap 22 with 25 (VAN owns 22, MIL owns 25)

and then as part of the trade with the spurs, right to swap 19 for 15 (VAN own 15 and SAS via NOP own 19)

So in the end I own 10, 11, 15, 18 and 22
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