2010-2011 Preseason Regression Statistics


Had some free time on my hands this morning and figured I would throw this together for the crowd. I know Preseason isn't totally reflective of a true sim, but I wanted to take advantage of a full season's worth of data give a projection into what you can take a way from the sim.

General observations:
  • Pacers, Heat, Hawks, Clippers, Warriors, and Blazers all performed at an extremely similar level. They all belong in that cluster between 50-55 wins and that makes sense. I'd expect the Hawks and Pacers to likely jump ahead here, as they had this performance while limiting the minutes of one or two key players.
  • There are no true bottom feeders this season. Teams need to dump those mediocre players and start losing!
  • Cavs, Hornets, and Sonics look like the best teams in the league this upcoming season. IDK if that new GM should start dumping assets quite yet......

Specific call outs:
  1. Hornets and Sonics likely had a better record than what their team stats suggest. I'd expect their performance to fall back in line with a typical 60 win season. Don't get me wrong, both have done a great job with assembling their squads.
  2. Rockets look like they significantly overperformed as well. However, I think they can shore up some issues by simply obtaining 1-2 more post players that can be used in their depth. They are real thin, so any injuries could derail their entire season.
  3. Spurs looks to be the team the underperformed the most. The projections suggest that they should be ~50 win team, yet they were only able to secure 43 wins in the preseason. Look for this team to get better ;)
  4. Last clear call out - The wolves over-performed quite a bit. I'm not really sure what NC's plan is here, as I'd think he'd be stripping his team down and trying to secure some running mates to howl along with Harden. The man must love him some Noah!