1. Trading for Kevin Johnson at start of league, he was a 20/9 pg that elevated me a lot
2. trading a pick for Damon Stoudemire who turned out to be a good pg for a minute
3. Tankin for Tmac
Trading my 2017 and 2019 to draft Moultrie
Picking the bulls, because MJ retired right away on some bullshit
Also regret tearing it down for this last rebuild, didn’t know Tmac would stay so good for so long
Jabari - looks like a stud w high pot and solid athletics
BAM - mostly cause he’s 18 and already good defense / rebounding and outside
Devin Booker - being able to be cheesed at PG he’s top 5 no doubt
Julius Randle - looks like a classic scoring / rebounding big that can contribute to the...
I do not fucking know
Denzel Washington - Man on Fire, Training Day, John Q
Adam Sandler - Big Daddy, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore
Leonardo DiCaprio - The Wolf of Wallstreet, The Departed, Shutter Island